Escaping from the toxicity

Time prevails when your soul can't endure the burden of stress conveyed by the world. You can neither exhale the toxicity provoked by others behavior nor have the ability to inhale the favorable attitude shown by least. In such circumstances what can you do with empty hands and a barren mind? Porticoes of sanguinity are locked. I felt that stipulated a crisis. My real world was no longer reliable to me. Social media life doesn't convalesce you. So obviously I had to build a situation to break out from this so-called delighted stuff.

  • In the battlefield of emotions ;

Moving toward the creator is the ultimate and definitive one when you have identified and encountered the brutal behavior of the world. You are being played as a card by everyone. Someone will take advantage of your emotions and will eradicate you internally, you will have lesser resilience and ultimately you will scream after each heart break. You are being targeted for your insecurities, when they will acknowledge that you have a rejection level to some traits they will pretend to be unknown.

What will devastate you is their 'double face'.

When they comprehend you then what is the reason to take advantage of your words? I have hate level hostility toward liars and believe me more such people are around me. They can't digest your success and they start portraying the image which isn't yours. So ultimately they are ruining your reputation through their lie game. I am not sure why individuals showcase their fake and sympathetic philosophy only for moments. The cold war being recreated with your emotions takes your life away. Why do people have no intrepidity to play by coming in front? Backdoors games are played in politics so in relationships you are achieving the same. I hate when I am being manipulated.

  • Fingers would be raised ;

Making decisions is easy when you exclude the factors about the others' opinions. Sometimes it looks like we are doing everything to satisfy the others when we include the point about their feedback. If you are going to hang a perfect painting still they are going to pick the tiny mistake which doesn't even exist. So why do you have to dangle for the heart breaks from their sides? You won't be able to do the work that is the reason for your survival.

  • Compete but dont compare ;

Eventually after this realization you feel sick in fact the world is too nauseous to understand you. Friends are sprinting for their own success. Future matters for few, some have unfair intentions in you, and honestly your tissue paper significance vanishes when you can't satisfy their contentment. Parents are inquisitive in you but when you will merit their criteria of good kid. After breaking the peripheries, saying an open No to their indications and understanding the self esteem you are no more their kid. I don't understand why people run to compete with others for happiness.

If someone is happy to die will you wish death for yourself too?

Man get up! It's not the Jurassic time period when your small size and restricted wishes to endure will save you. You must wish for more in order to attain that nominal.

  • Its delay not denial ;

All the time you are making prayers for the attainment of your own dreams and not thinking about why they are not provided to you although you are dwelling hard. It's not the only "my wish" game, it's "best one at the right time". Lord takes the responsibility of your happiness and satisfaction so

He can't give you the stuff which will become a headache for you in the long run.

And if I am making this statement, it doesn't mean that only pious people can relish this privilege, not at all. All the man or creatures formulated by Him operates according to His own will. So why are we being given suffering and failure? It's the exam of how quickly you move to Him for asking His grace. There is a lot of discrepancy between your satisfaction and His blessings. Suppose you asked for a particular stuff or person and it's your desire to have it. You shout a lot to make it obvious and in time but when you are being bestowed with it suddenly you sense this wasn't the substantial thing. Now if He blesses you with someone or something it might become an exam for you but you can't ignore the fact that it's specified for you. I am the person who is always asking for His blessing as I know that my vision and thoughts are microscopic in front of His grace and wisdom.

Just closing this blog now because my diverted and distorted thoughtsare taking me away from this world ,i will delighted to have your viewpoint on any of these random thoughts which i would call words of wisdome hehe.

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