Dress for runaway


Deciding on a dress for everyday use, people have multiple approaches, few peeps belong to the category where their partners decide daily dress for them and they have only to wear it. Their spouses are so loyal that they have no difficulty to either purchase or wash them. They do afford an automatic machine (no ladies are harmed in this phrase ) . They are the ones who get trendy ready-to-wear free-of-cost outfits like wow as they are being gifted everything by their partner . Occasionally you will see them wearing the same color as their wife and have sharp enough eyes to identify colors( I did mean guys have poor vision in discriminating colors ). No matter what they wear they always look handsome ( those who don't fall in this category bro you should raise and glimpse the mirror ) . Now let's come back to reality if you were deceived by this portrayal no apologies as we all imagine such stuff #beingsingle.

  • Kangaroo's in real world :

Second category includes mom's favorite. They are such blessed individuals whom's forehead indicates the statement "you can't hurt me as I have mom ". From bargaining to hanging dresses in the closet their worrier mom deserves credit. She doesn't remember her wedding anniversary but remembers their proud kid has to wear a new dress on each event ( how she can miss the flex among aunties group for having a handsome kid) . Their life is truly managed by their mom's in the way they only have to say yes and tada downloaded wife and offspring are here ( as their mom is the best decision maker…. Did you said about the timing well bro she fixes when she should be called grandmother so couple must not speak up they have to obey only)

Image by mygallery

  • standing ovations peeps;

Last but not the least comes the legends category who are single peeps like me who have to use up quality time in laundry (even mom doesn't help us in this don't how discouraging adulthood is ) . From picking the dresses from the outlet ( few have younger siblings to donate them) to matching them with old jeans they have been blessed. Bro our closet doesn't contain gifted shirts or dresses people only give us books ( and few give us heart breaks too) . We don't find stars on the moon, we have to attain the pure white color of our uniform or white trousers ( I'm the type of person who just matches shirts with black and white trousers ) . Our shirts don't contain girls lipstick or hair, rather we have stains of marker, or food (as we are always in a hurry ) .

Image by Elsbethcat

  • Smaurfet in veil;

Fun aside, let me jump straight to the topic where I have to answer my choices and situations while picking a dress while I have to run away from home (I meant we have to go outside ) . I guess no one loves clothes more than me who treats them so gently ( as I have to wash, iron and then eco-reuse them) . Coming toward the selection of dresses each day, I'm the girl who has to remain conscious about scarfs and gowns lol. You got me I don't indulge myself in showcasing new dress each day. I am an abaya person who has to wear 3 gowns and 5 scarfs each week ( weekend means shirt on, hijab off ). It's not difficult for me to match both scarfs and abaya hehe well I support simplicity where your minimal looks matters. It's a cultural preference from my side. Now difficulty comes when I have to stick at home in the way family doesn't allow to remain in veil 24/7 ( how cruel they are lol) . I prefer minimal dressing in such perspective too. I have ironed fits always hanging in my cupboard so there is no complication to select any of them. You wouldn't see me in rough dressing (bro life is rough and tough not I'm the dressing ) . While going anywhere, the only thing which I have to settle is my mood, otherwise my wardrobe is almost calling me each time. I have categories of gowns for shopping, events, job and even for gym too hehe. (only celebrities in my country can afford sheer dressing )

But yeah after each month I have to find hours of leisure to perform transition from a mis-managed closet into a managed and pressed version. Just narrating a life hack which can save your time (hostel peeps stay silent as I know you are pro in this ) while washing do dust off the water twice it gives clothes a clean and wrinkle free look. If this writing brought a smile to your face, do share your favorite part, as I love more communicative feedback. See you next time ( did you heard after months nah bro I am trying to provoke myself more often as writer now hehe )

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