The worried and tensed me.

Stress in recent times, has become a part of human existence. Chasing our dreams on a day to day basis is stressful.
Trying to make ends meet and put a decent meal on the table is stress.
Caring for our loved ones and providing for our dependants is equally very stressful especially in this economy where the prices of everything including water increases exponentially.
Money has been the major factor in all these.

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These days, even children are stressed. When both parents can't deal with their stress, they tend to transfer aggression on the children who look up to them for one or two needs or to even help with their assignments. They do this by lashing out at the kids or even spanking them when they make little mistakes. These are cases that I have had to look into because of the wellbeing of the child.

I'm really being stressed out these days because of the my current situation.
Few weeks ago, my mum and I spoke concerning her health and how she is feeling. I encouraged her not to assume and go to the hospital for treatment. She did and was given some drugs after the test but she wasn't feeling relieved at all.
She went for another test and another, and another, and another, and referred to another hospital and another hospital, with a lot of money gone until it was finally diagnosed that she has ovarian cancer.

This development has destabilized my siblings and I.
She is in serious pains and the doctors have not decided what the next thing to do is. I've made a lot of research about it and it's causing me unrest. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to go about the money for the surgery.

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I've not been dealing with it well because I know it's getting to me. It's affecting my mental health which I'm trying to avoid.
I broke down crying on Monday night when she narrated her experience at the hospital to me. It pained me more because of two things. The first is that I can't be there with her in such a difficult time, and the second is that I don't even have the financial capacity to get things done with immediate effect.

I'm trying to act strong and go about my daily activities as if nothing is wrong but within me I'm broken and praying seriously that nothing happens to my mum now because I still need her around. My children needs her.😭

I could remember when I was younger, whenever I have my usual health crises, she is always there, we cry together when the pain is unbearable for me. She never leaves my side holding my hand and here I am, I can't even be by her side now.
A colleague told me yesterday that I'm emaciating, I just told her that I'm okay.
The only way to get rid of this stress is to get the money for my mum's surgery on time.

This is my response to Hive learners community weekly featured contents on the topic; stress factor.
Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate you.

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