Crying Babies

Fear is an unpleasant emotion, caused by the treat of danger, pain or harm. Extreme fear leads to terror.
The fear of not being good enough or not competent enough could lead many into depression
The fear of not having enough and a lot of bills to pay could lead some into the unimaginable I have been terrified a number of times in my life but this scenario stood out for me. I was telling a friend about it some days ago and I still had chills while taking about it.

It was a faithful day in the hostel I just entered 200L and was lucky to get a bed space in the school hostel. apart from being lucky I used a small long leg because in my school, only 100L and 400L students are given bed space in the hostel.

So, after lecturers that evening we were in the hostel discussing, cooking and playing games. After ligh out we still discussed for a while before retiring to bed.

Around past one AM, We started hearing the cry of babies at the the back of our hostel. we jumped out of bed almost at the same time. We were first confused about where the cry was coming from but as the cry got worse we knew it was babies crying

Which baby could be crying in the hostel where babies are not allowed. Where could the cry be coming from. We all couldn't sleep. Before we knew what was going on, the cry grew louder at the back of our window we all started screaming, we Were six in my room it was as if the babies were crying at our window. We all ran towards the door but we couldn't open it. We were there together crying because we were so scared for our lives some girls started praying and confessing their sins.


My bunkmate said "God is this how you want to punish me for the abortion I did? I'm sorry, I will never do it again." No one listened to her because we were all terrified. Everyone was busy praying that God should deliver us from the babies crying at the back of our window. We didn't know what else to do the commotion was terrible coupled with the fact that we couldn't get out of our room.

I had never been that terrified all my life till date. Even on my sick bed when I thought I would not live to see another day I was not as terrified as I was on that day. We cried prayed in one corner of the room before the voices started fading and finally stopped.

We couldn't go back to our beds or leave the spot where we stood together. We sat down and couldn't move from the spot. Immediately it was 5am, power was restored and We heard voices of students in other rooms coming out of their rooms talking loudly, we quickly ran out just to discover that everyone in our wing heard the babies crying.

I went into the bathroom immediately, took my bath and head straight to my aunt's place. A lot of other students did same too because it was a Friday.

This is my response to Hive learners community weekly featured contents on the topic: Terrifying Tale.
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