Job Complexities during Interview and my Dressing Dilemma



Hello Hive Learners Community! Welcome to my blog. Our personality rewards us with sublime confidence. If we are confident with our dressing, we shall be confident in our words during articulation. It matters a lot especially when we are going to represent a specific company, organisation or an institute. It can be formal, informal and professional. Our dressing represents our manners, attitude and profession as well. An engineer can't put dressing like a doctor and doctor can't represents an engineer. Everyone has specific type of dressing.

Dressing & Interview

From my childhood, I learned many aspects about dressing from my parents. Moreover, the schooling environment in Beacon Hall, KIPS and Punjab Group of Collage from PG class to 12th Grade also added in this learning. I can still remember those days when we're not not allowed to enter the class due to shoes, tie and uniform problems. At the time of Punishment, we couldn't realise that why my schools were so hard about my dressing but when I entered into University, I learned and was feeling lucky among one of those people who already were aware about many dressing aspects. In Pakistan, you can't put trousers & shirts to enter into the University. During class representation, it is essential to take sneakers, tie, jeans and pants. These things helped out when we applied for Jobs either in Private Sector or in government sector. There happened a specific marks evaluation for our dressing by interview panel.

Is dressing really matter during interview?

During Job Interviews in Pakistan, job recruiters also evaluate us for dressing. Although our professional skills matters a lot but our dressing plays a key role in representing a specific institute, organisation or company. It is the right of each recruiter to hire those people who can raise or improve the calibration of their companies. People with professional attires are thought to be worthy people for many companies. If someone or some companies assign the responsibility of job recruiters to me then I shall evaluate people on the basis of their professional dressing during interview.



If someone is coming for engineering post in my interview then he should know how to wear engineering cap, safety shoes and engineering-accessories that are essential during during work. I shall add professional dressing as a professional skills. Once I appeared in one Army Commission-Job Interview, the interview panel was also evaluating what I have wore on my body during interview and they were also commenting about it openly.



They also had disqualified some students due to dressing. I don't think that It was injustice because they reserved all rights to hire those students that were fit perfect for army. Our Army is much disciplined and top-ranked organisation in the whole world. They trained their candidates themselves. I was lucky to get good marks in dressing and all credits goes to my parents. Unfortunately I was unlucky to receive Job letter from them but it was a good interview where I learned how a disciplined dressing plays a big role in an interview.


Different institutes have different professional attires for their representatives. Although simple dressing can't replace our skills but dressing can't be ignored. I give value to professional dressing and attire during interview. It is essential to evaluate people's discipline by their dressing. If you have comfortable dressing then you have comfortable attitude for the job. Imagine if all persons in an office have put 2-piece with tie then any person with Pent-Jeans will look strange and totally unprofessional. Hence, professional manners need Professional dressing.

This post is my entry for HL Weekly Featured Content Physical Appearance. I hope, you've enjoyed my today post. Thanks!

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