Some Hive Keys And How To Know And How To Take It || Stage Tasks - 02

Hello everyone, how are you? I pray that we are all always in good health, so that we can carry out our daily activities well.


Well, in this post I want to explain about hive keys and how to secure them, as explained by moderator @prayzz in his post a few weeks ago. And this post aims to fulfill one of the tasks or requirements, namely verification of stage-02 in the hive learners community.

Good friends, that hive is one blog that is very useful for all of us, the use of hive accounts can be used in one account for one person. When we create a hive account, in general we are given a security key, we must guard this security key carefully and we must keep it secret.

The following are the steps or ways to secure hive keys. Let's take a look at the infographic.

Okay friends all, that hive has four keys and in each key has its own level.

1. Master Key => This is the most powerful key in hive blockchain. This key is used to create our document.

2. Active Key => Is the second strongest key. When it comes to money and wallets, this key is what we use, for example we want to transfer tokens or want to turn on hive up and down.

3. Post Key => Is the strongest key number three. This key is used to log into our respective accounts on and can also be used to carry out our activities on, such as commenting on our friends' posts, voting, posting and others.

4. Memo Key => Is the strongest Key number four. In general, this key is rarely used.

Okay friends, to find out how to find the hive key there are several steps.

Step 1 => Log into your account, then select and click the wallet menu.


Step 2 => Select and click the Keys & Permissions menu.


Step 3 => Select it and Click the "reveal" menu to view your key. Well, under the "reveal" menu are the permissions each key has.


Okay friends, now we get to the stage of how to keep your keys safe at all times.

1. Never show your hive key to anyone else.

To keep them protected and safe, Hive Keys are prohibited from giving or showing them to others. Because if other people find it, it will be at risk for us to lose the hive account.

2. Try to avoid links or links that ask us to enter a key.

This action is strictly prohibited because there will be phishing actions by irresponsible people. Well they will steal Hive Keys by taking the key that we have entered into their link.

3. Save or Write somewhere is an alternative.

Store Hive Keys in a place that you think is safe and easy to get when you need it again, such as writing on paper and others.

Questions for those with a reputation 25-29

1. How Much Do You Know About Hive Keys?

I am a new person who joined Hive a few months ago, therefore I still have very little information about these Hive keys. But this did not let me down and learned to always hide Hive Keys from others around me.

2. How much do you know About the Importance of Hive keys?

Hive keys are one that functions as account security on the hive blog which aims as a key to enter and access the hive blog as a whole.

3. Do You Know Where to Find Hive Keys?

To be able to access hive keys you just need to open the wallet in the keys and permissions section, you will find it. I have given some of the steps above and you can immediately follow it.

4. Functions of Each Button

Master Key Usage :

- Can change your password
- Can change account attributes
- Recover account
- Can reset account or security

Post Lock Usage :

- Make posts
- Editing posts if there are problems
- Can comment on other people's posts
- Reblog Content
- Follow other people
- Mute account

The active button is used as

- Token Transfer
- HBD conversion
- Order Exchange
- Change the profile in certain sections
- Create a new user

Memo Button Has Functions, as

- Send encrypted messages
- View encrypted messages

Actions I can take to keep the hive keys safe and free from others?

I keep these Hive keys in some safe place which is in my personal scrapbook. In some applications on my cellphone, to stay protected, I really maintain confidentiality, like I protect my ATM key so that theft is minimal.


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