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Friends, do you know why people buy more things than they need?

Why do people spend more money than necessary?

Writer and philosopher Denis Dederot devoted his entire life to writing the largest encyclopedia of that time. He did not have time to do anything else, so always remained in poverty. He didn't even have money for his daughter's marriage. When the Queen of Russia came to know about this, the Queen of Russia bought Denies' library and Encyclopedia for about $150,000 to help her.

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Denies got a lot of money immediately after which Denies bought a beautiful red coat of muslin. After a day Denies Dederot realized that his chair has become old and looks useless with a new coat, so Denies bought a new chair. Then saw that the furniture in front of the chair and coat was looking useless, so new furniture was bought. Then new painting for new furniture and in this way Denies filled the whole house with new salmon. And all the money ran out even before the daughter got married.

Friends, even today people buy many useless things with new products and get trapped in a loop called Diderot Effect. Like many people take expensive case covers, headphones and other accessories with expensive phones. If this happens to you, then take care and buy only essential items.

I would like to thank everyone who came to my blog and read till the end and supported me and encouraged me. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™β€

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