Mandala art.

Hello Everyone!
I hope you all are doing well.

As today is Sunday and I have a holiday today. So I decided to make something creative.
Last time I made spaghetti and biryani so, this time I arranged to bring a change.

I picked up my phone and started searching for ideas. After a while, I found a creative design for mandala art.

I took a screenshot of that picture, collected my stuff, and started drawing.

Here is the final look of it.

Things I used:

  • Paper
  • Black pointer
  • Scale
  • Compass
  • Pencil
  • Eraser


I took a paper, a pointer and a scale.
With the help of a scale, I drew a triangle and then an uncompleted circle.

I drew small lines at the edges of the triangle to complete its structure.
Then I made a thunderbolt sign at the left upper edge of the circle and then the same on the right side.

Then with the help of a compass and pencil, I made a circle in the centre and two semi-circles under it and then outlined them with the pointer.

I drew a flower in the circle and then a sun-shaped structure.

I filled some space with colour and then moved forward.
I added some lines between the cones and then in a zigzag form.

After this, I filled the rest space with some more lines, and some petals and filled some areas with colour.

I added some dotes and then my bottom part was ready.
I moved further towards the upper part, and it took more time as compared to this.

I started with the triangle. I made a triangle and a circle just like I drew for the base.

Then made three circles at the centre.
At that moment I made a mistake. One of the circles got ruptured or you can say that it more look like an oval. I was so tensed to think that all my hard work had gone in vain.
Suddenly my sister gave me the idea to fix its shape and then fill colour in it.
I fixed its shape and did as my sister told me. As a result, it looked a bit weird but better than before.

After that, I filled its middle part and then the rest by drawing some lines, petals and blah blah.

I got so tired. This sketch looks easy but it's so time-consuming.
I continued and hurriedly finished the rest.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column