Story of two friends patience

Patience plays an important role in the life of each of us and those who do not have patience cannot improve their lives. Those who have patience can improve even if it is late. There are many of us who have no patience and without patience these people can never do anything good. No one in our world has been able to improve in one day, it has taken many many years to improve them. Then they have seen improvement in their lives.



I will share with you the story of two friends from our area and from this story you can learn a lot about patience. One of the two friends had a lot of patience and the other friend had less patience. They both got a job and they both started doing that job. A few days later, the friend who had lost his temper quit his job. He did not like the job and was looking for another job. Another friend was doing that the work. A year later, it was discovered that the friend who had been working patiently had become more experienced in his work and had improved a lot in one year. The friend who quit his job a year ago is still looking for a job. This is where we can understand the importance of patience in our lives and there are many examples in our world that will make us more aware of the importance of patience.



We should be patient in any work and if we do not work patiently, we will not be able to improve our work. I have shared with you as much as I know and I hope you have learned something from here.



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