In Bridge Construction Need To Pay Attention To Important Things

The connection between two or more places separated by obstacles is called a bridge. In its construction, the bridge must be designed with certain criteria so that safety and comfort are guaranteed. The design criteria for the bridge include structural strength and rigidity, structural stability, structural feasibility, durability, ease of manufacture, economy, as well as shape and aesthetics.



A bridge is a building that spans between 2 different points that serves as a link between two different places. In general, bridges are made to pass through rivers, railroads, roads, ravines, and even the sea so that people or vehicles can endanger these obstacles. In the construction or bridge itself must pay attention to some basic important things. This must be met so that the bridge can be built solidly and suitable for use. There are several things to consider when building a bridge.
Indonesia itself has a very large number of rivers up to tens or even hundreds. From here we can already imagine that the bridge is very important so that people who want to cross the river do not have to cross by boat again.

In the Manufacturing Process of course there are several stages that must be passed technically and non-technically. We both know that bridges have a very dominant function in connecting land gaps that are separated by rivers, lakes, ravines, valleys and the like. How many benefits after the bridge is installed or built for the benefit of many people. Therefore the bridge to be built must meet the standards for safety.



Judging from its needs such as crossing rivers, valleys or even between islands, now bridges have various models. After we know the model of the bridge, we know a little about the influence of the model on the need for bridge construction. From this we become aware that this bridge is a construction project that must be carried out very carefully and there should be no mistakes in its construction.

Because if there is a slight error, the bridge can become easily damaged and even endanger the lives of people who cross it. Because the function and responsibility of this bridge is related to the safety of other people's lives, when building a bridge we must have very accurate calculations. Either calculated manually or calculated automatically with the help of various construction aids.


In making this bridge, there are several determining factors that must be considered, this is done so that the bridge can have good quality and provide benefits for people who cross it without having to endanger the safety of people who cross it as well.




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