Hello hive learners, i am so glad to be able to participate in this week's contest. Last week's contest was very exciting but i couldn't participate because i just got verified and writing on the topic was a big challenge.

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I am very thrilled to share with you one of my many exhilarating motherhood journey. The best gift that i got from God is the gift of motherhood. My daughters are growing up so fast and my mind is still screaming in astonishment.

Was it not just yesterday that they just had their first steps?

When i gave birth to my first daughter, i was so eager to experience her progression in life starting from teething, sitting, crawling and so on. The first time i saw a tooth in my baby's mouth i shed a tear of joy. It was so cute, fragile and adorable.

She started crawling when she was five months old and then i just knew that i have to provide her with all the support she needed to be able to advance to the next level.

First, we bought a baby walker for her. This is to help her to develop cordination and muscle strength. With the help of a baby walker, she was able to go round the house giggling in excitement.

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However, her father puts her in her baby walker for other reasons other than to help her walk. It was either to get her distracted from him, get her to stay one place and entertained by the numerous toys attached to the walker so he can do his paperwork without her constantly coming to make a mess on his work files.

The neighbor's children also started coming over to play with her when she was seven months old. They were five years and three years old then and my baby was very excited at each visit. They ran round the house and my baby shouts in triumph each time they ran to her. One can see from the look on her face how she longed to join them in running around playfully in the house. This motivated her to stretch herself and just two weeks after she clocked nine months she took her first steps.

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On that fateful day, i was putting some dirty clothes inside the washing machine when she stood up and took that fragile steps falling down after the third step. It was actually my exclamation that made her to fall down. I was too excited to hold myself from overreacting. It was one of the most memorable moments of my existence.

I was blown away and full of pride. This also reminded me that she is becoming her own person. My second daughter took her first steps at ten and a half months. Of course that was with the help of her senior sister who served as her motivator. She was actually the one that saw her took her first step because they were always together. She shouted...

Mummy! Zizi just walked

Even though i thought that she was joking, i walked up to them and asked that she repeat her steps so that i can see.

Come to mummy baby

Seeing my widely opened arms, she took some shaky little steps and fall down.

My baby is walking!


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