Personal Reflections on Political Engagement

Have you ever seen an organization or institution which doesn’t have a head who runs and manages the system? Don’t we observe a hierarchy of power and management in organizations? Several departments are formed to manage different kind of tasks and duties. Each department has a head to monitor and regulate the work. Where each head acquires certain power over other members of the department, he is also the representative of the particular departments. If somebody has to inquire about something, not each member would be summoned but the head.

As you go up the chain, there is a top leader who has the power and authority to take decisions on the behalf of the entire organization.

Imagine a company without this ultimate leadership. Would there be a way to finalize the direction in which company has to move? Would there be check and balance on the work of several department? How would intra-organizational disputes be resolved? How would inter organizational decisions be settled and progressed without an authority figure? Without the presence of the big boss, the chaos is evident to occur, isn’t it?

Trace back to the history of humanity, each group, be it small or big always had a leader. There is no society that can move forward without a head or representative for them. An in-charge with authority over other members is required to take decisions for the entire group he represents.

Likewise, there is a need of an in-charge to represent and take decision for a country or state. This is the realm where politics comes into play.

I have grown up hearing the verdicts like politics is a dirty play. I believe, there is a need to dig deeper in the scenario before developing this mind-set drawn out of superficial appearance.

In a country like mine where we have seen politicians doing dirty things throughout the history, we have come to believe that it is politics that is the culprit; and so good people should remain away from the area. Consequently, the system infected by unethical people kept on worsening over time; and now has reached to the level of ailment where the treatment seems to be nearly impossible. It feels like all the organs of the body need to be removed and transplanted to reduce the level of infection.

In the prevailing landscape of unethical political practices, where injustice has reached its zenith, open discrimination and the erosion of the rule of law is starkly evident, I can never think of joining any political activities. I candidly acknowledge my lack of courage to endure the emotional trauma, physical abuse, familial torture, slandering, character assassination and like that those in power are doing to the opposing voice.

The truth is, even if politics were in the hand of virtuous individuals, committed to justice and dedicated to the prosperity of the country, I don’t perceive myself as fitting for such a role. I don’t think that I have the sagacity and wisdom required to make judicious decision on behalf of the public. That’s why I steadfastly reject the idea of entering into politics, as I perceive it against the standards or merits.

Nevertheless, I am concerned about the politics in the country. And I believe if only the evil of corruption is eradicated from the system, everything would become better gradually.

The termites of corruption have weakened the country in all the aspects. In the realm of politics, true representatives of the people hardly get a chance even to become a candidate, let alone win the election.

The power is transmitted generation after generation. Some people have become so much wealthy and powerful that they over ride all the others to come to power.

The designations and ministries are not given on the basis of merit and skills but on the ground of influence and nepotism. Consequently, all the sectors run by irrelevant, uneducated, unskilled and undeserving individuals, are being deteriorated.

Moreover, the salaries, perks and pensions given to the politicians in power are much more than they should get for their work.

Furthermore due to corrupt system injustice is at its peak. It is impossible to punish the influential political figures for their crimes. A common man may be punished for thinking of killing a mosquito while the people supported by the political power can not be touched for hundred of murders.

In short, corruption is the mother of all the evils in the society. Despite my incompetence to enter into politics, I have all the desire to eradicate this evil in order to breath in a prosper society.


This post is my participation for Hl-featured contest.

Image by Septimiu from pixabay

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