Baking Preparation

“Cooking is an art while baking is a science,” said a baking expert.

For cooking we may try adding or omitting ingredients in the recipe. We may change the quantity of ingredients. We may change the sequence. Still something delicious comes out as the end result.

Baking, on the other hand, is different. Addition or omission of a single ingredient may result in destruction of the product.

Moreover, there is a need to be precise about the quantity of each ingredient. For some ingredients like baking soda or eggs even a little variation in the quantity results in poor results.

I have heard of cases where the cake either became too hard or too soft because of the precision not taken into account.

For some time, I have been planning to start baking. My younger one loves cakes a lot especially the chocolate flavour.

A homemade product is always rich in nutrition. Along with other ingredients it acquires a special ingredient, Love 😍.

Before diving into the ocean of baking I wanted to get basic knowledge about this art science.

I watched several videos On YouTube. The most important thing that I found out was the care for precision in the ingredients.

the tools that are generally available for cooking at home are not that accurate for baking.

I don’t want to come up with any nasty experiences in baking. That’s why I decided to buy the required tools.

Here are the products that I have bought

Digital Balance

Some ingredients are not measured in cups but in grams. For such measurements, there is a need of a balance.

I bought this balance from an online store. It cost me Rs. 1000.

It is battery operated. Two AA sized cells are inserted at the back.

It has a LED display screen to show the weight

It measures things in two units, grams and ounce. The minimum limit is 1 gram while maximum is 10k grams. No decimal precision but a whole number.

There is also a tare function in it. So that you can put a pot and tare its weight. Afterwards add the ingredient to it. The resulting weight will be only of the content present in the pot.

About the quality, I would say that it doesn’t seem to be of excellent quality as I expected it by looking at the image.

It is quite light in weight and I have a feeling like a little mishandling would result in its dysfunction. Well, time will tell

Measuring Cups and Spoons

Here is a set of 9 pieces measuring cups and spoons.

There are 5 spoons and 4 cups.

Three spoons provide measurement in teaspoons, quarter, half and one teaspoon. Two spoons are of 1 and half tablespoon.

The cups provide measurement for quarter, half, one third and one cup.

I purchased it from a local market in Rs. 200.

I think, for the price I have bought this set, the quality is good.

Round Stand

I don’t have an OTG (Oven Toaster Grill) or a convection microscope. So I will perform baking on stove, in a cooking pot.

While baking in a pot, the baking pan has to be put a little above the base. For this reason, a stand was required.

It is iron made stand with black coating on it.

I bought it fir Rs. 100 from a local shop.

Baking Pan

The last thing that I bought was baking pan.

It is 7 inch round pan. Neither that big nor that small.

Its price was Rs. 200. The quality of the pan is average. It is okay for a beginner.

Once I acquire some skills, I have a plan to buy pans of different shapes and sizes.

Have I done any baking yet? Not yet. Soon I will do and then will share the results with my Hive family 😃.

Wish me good luck ☺️.


This is my participation for Hive Learner’s featured contest.
Also a participation for #marketfriday by @dswigle.


Images are taken by me via my mobile.

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