The forest bee macro photography is so tempting, and what I've been looking for all this time..


.Hello friends hive everything.


hello buddy @alvonsohiver

how are you all, I hope you are fine wherever you are, greetings to all friends, and healthy greetings always for all of us, who must not forget our gratitude, to the creator of the universe, because with his permission we can still tell stories, or we can still joke with the people we love..

friends all today I want to show pictures of forest bees, and a little story about my hunt for these bees..

One day, my friends and I went to hunt bees, in a garden with lots of wild flowers, because before we left to hunt forest bees, we had made an appointment at night, if we were going to hunt forest bees, we have to find a garden that grows a lot of wild flowers..

The next day we were all ready, to leave or to hunt forest bees, we all continued to use the two-wheeled carriage,

While walking on the train, we looked left and right, which garden was suitable for us to stop by to hunt forest bees.

My friend also said, this is the garden we stopped at, and we'll see and see, whether the bee we mean or what we're looking for is in this garden, we all got off the carriage, and immediately entered the garden..

As soon as we arrived in the garden, we immediately split up, and chose our separate paths, we were in the garden for about two hours, it turned out that the forest bees we were after were not in the garden, because there were very few wild flowers in the garden. that..

we immediately got out of the garden, and continued walking with the carriage while looking again left and right, suddenly my friend stopped suddenly, he asked all of us, this garden seems suitable, and wild flowers so much grows here..

I also answered, yes, it looks like this is where the forest bee is, we immediately parked the train, and locked it, so that our train wouldn't be stolen.

we immediately entered the garden, it turned out that the owner of the garden was in place, we asked him for permission to go around his garden and look for the forest bees we were after.

The person who owns the garden with a sweet smile replied, "Please, but you have to take care because I have planted a lot of small chilies," said the owner of the garden

my friend immediately went and scattered throughout the garden, only I had not left, because I was cleaning the smartphone camera, and extreme macro lenses, I always do that, every time I look for posting objects,

Once I'm done, I'm ready to clean my smartphone camera and extreme macro lens, I keep walking and looking for the forest bees that I hope to have in this garden...

not far I walked I immediately saw the forest bee that I was hoping for, and what I wanted, I was so embarrassed, when I saw this forest bee, can I return the picture, I want to think for a moment what I should do, because of this bee quite wild..

I continued to walk towards this forest bee, with a very slow swing of steps, it turns out that the slow swing of steps is not sufficient to capture the picture of this forest bee..

I launched the second trick, swinging a very slow step, I even held my breath, because to get the shots or shots we took were satisfying...

to get our shots perfect, we have to do these three things, the first,, be patient,, the second focus,, and the third detail,, that's the key,,

this is a little story about my hunt for this forest bee, enough here I say so and thank you.












I took this picture using .
Camera: Real Mobile
Photography : Insects.
Photographer : @alvonsohiver.
Location : Aceh Indonesia

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