macro photography predatory flies, which are very cruel to their prey.


.Hello friends hive everything.


hello everyone, how are you all, I hope you are all well, I hope today is the most valuable day in our lives, my friends all, we are brothers, here we are one family.!!

Hi everyone, today I want to show you again, a type of predatory fly that is very vicious towards its prey, I've already told you about this predatory fly, if there are three types of predatory flies that I have encountered, some are green eyes, some are red eyes, and black eyes.

this time I have found another type of predatory fly that is so fierce, which has red eyes,, I found this predator, when he just caught his prey, his prey is a type of beetle that has a unique body,!!

The fate of the beetle is very unfortunate, because it has become prey for predatory flies, but what can you do, what is called the law of the jungle, who gets it fast, who is strong, he is the king, right or wrong?????..

This predatory fly, is greatly feared by other types of insects of its size, because it is very fast, very shrewd in pounce on its prey, so this fly is dubbed as a predatory fly, or a predatory fly that does not have the slightest compassion for its prey.

even this fly if in my place, dubbed as a cannibal fly, because he preys on or eats the same sex,

this is all I can tell, of my discovery, of the merciless predatory fly.

I hope you guys like it and enjoy it, hopefully it's useful, and can add to our insight... that's all and thank you..









I took this picture using .
Camera: Real Mobile
Photography : Insects.
Photographer : @alvonsohiver.
Location : Aceh Indonesia

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