Some Pictures of Forest Plant Types that are still Remaining in Seureke

Original Photo by @alkhalidi92

Hello all good friends.
May everything always be in the protection of the Creator and always successful.

So, on this occasion, come back with me in this Beauty Creativity group about photography of several types of plants that still exist and remain in the Seureke area in the interior of the North Aceh Forest.

Seureke is an area directly adjacent to Cot Girek. The Seureke area is also an inland area that is still beautiful and there are still several types of forest plants remaining. With these forest plants, of course, the Seureke area is still categorized as a cold and cool area.

With the remaining forest plants, we hope that the people around Seureke can protect the environment. We know that with the good condition of our forests, we will be protected from the effects of floods and landslides with the remaining water buffer by the roots of large plants in the interior of the forest.

I purposely took some pictures of this remaining plant species to be immortalized and also for our knowledge.

So that friends are not curious, let's see below some pictures that I have taken.

Forest Plants

Forest Plants

Forest Plants

Forest Plants

Forest Plants

Forest Plants

Camera usedNikon
PhotographyForest Plants
LocationSeureke, North Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia

Thank you for the knowledge and input all other hive blog


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