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How my Schedule is disturb due to heavy traffic jam🚦

Greetings to all of you. Hope you all are good with the grace of God. Today I am here with another good topic of this weekly Featured contest in Hive learner community. The topic for today discussion is how heavy traffic jam situation hurt you most in achieving your goals towards life. Everyone is busy in his life and want to reach the home or work place as early as possible in his life. But when a man become late due to these kind of activities he feel bad for the traffic which cause problem for him.

If we talk about different reasons of these traffic jam in Pakistan there are a lot of reasons for that , the most probable reason is that most people stands their car and motorbike at the corner of the road which blocks the road. The traffic signals people didn't follow and then there is also disturbance produced. I have seen many times there is no proper distribution of traffic among different roads , there is huge traffic in a single road and it becomes overload. The roads which are not so much overload I have people make these road for passing of their animal and these road broke and did not remain good for the traffic to go.

One day I also face the same problem pf traffic jam situation when I was traveling for my hostel from the home. The distance from my home to hostel is almost of 3 hours. So I left my home at 4 A.M in morning and my class in university was at 8.30 PM. So I think that I will reach the hostel at 7 A.M and after that with some preparation for the university like changing the clothes and taking bath so this will complete in 1 hour and I will take my journey to university at 8. 10 A.M. So this plan was made by me in the morning and then I left for the hostel.

In the mid of my journey I have seen that there is construction work was going on one side of the road. All the traffic was going on side of the road so that is why there was huge traffic jam between the road. So the journey that was completed in the 3 hours was completed in 5 hours and I reach the hostel at about 9 AM and the consequences of this late was that I was unable to attend my 1st lecture in the university that was of my favorite subject of Computational chemistry.

So when I reach the university late I requested the professor about the incident that happened with me during my journey due heavy traffic jam situation. So then my professor understand my matter and then give me a brief Introduction of the lecture that he has delivered to the class. So that was situation that I have to face due to heavy traffic jam.