Some reflections on politics

Hello everyone

In the world of politics there are many things happening at the same time on the same place with so much uniqueness about which a common man can never understand a single thing. Politics is something which eats a person from head to toe, if of high morale turns out to be a enthusiastic worker for his nation and if possessed by a mean nature turns out to be a monster for his own people.

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As far as i am concerned with this matter and my relationship with politics, my father is a renowned politician of our area. You people must be thinking that i might be having a strong interaction with politics than but no, yes it is true that my father is a politician but he never allowed us to put our head in the politics. He was elected three times as a chairman of our union council 44.

My father always said that politics is something not for students. If you are focusing on studies than you must keep yourself away from this thing. When i was not that sharp to understand these things, i used to think that my father is just being too sensitive but now i understand that he was and he is right.

Chance to become a politician

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Well, for me, becoming a politician can't be that difficult as for a common citizen but when i see my father having no time for the family and always busy in outside matters makes me feel so bad for the politics. I know he is doing a good thing out there helping the people who needs justice but still he must have sometime for the family. Whenever he wants to rest, there is a phone call waiting for him and he is gone. In essence, i would say that good politicians are doing a really great job but i can't pursue my career as a politician

I have already mentioned the main reason because i have an example at home and i don't have to look for any other example to deny the opportunity for becoming a politician.

Some ills i want changed

I want to start this thing with a real life incident which happened in my area. Once my father caught up a clerk of the government school doing a corruption of about 50 lac PKR (about 18k usd), and my whole family was wondering that how a clerk can do this much corruption

You people might get an idea that what ill i am going to mention first.


I have read some authors and they all mentioned this one. This is something can't be ignored because whosoever gets an opportunity do this. He/she doesn't see that where they are sitting, our country is well known in the corruption of politicians (i won't mention the details because whatsoever at last it is my own country)

Figure heads

This is something which might be new for you people but for us it isn't. I have seen many politicians out there acting as figure heads because in real they are being controlled by someone else. This thing should be executed from the politics and everyone should be given a freedom. Even in some countries the presidents are acting as figure heads.

No personal grudges

I want to mention one thing which might be last but not the least and that is i have seen many politicians out there who just compete each other because of their personal grudges and not for the sake of the common citizens. This thing also should be eliminated from the society.

The list is long and the time is short. These ills are never going to end but they can be made less with a collective effort. I will summon up my blog with this and will see you guys someday else

Well, this was all from my side.



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