Sleep lovers dilemma/ meme edition.

Hello everyone,

I hope you all are doing fine. My dear friends, once again we have another edition of Creative Sunday in front of us, and we all need to showcase our creativity in our own unique styles. Some people will make drawings, some will share their delicious recipes, some will share their DIY stuff, and some will sing a cover with their melodious voice. But, as always, we are here to present our memes to you.

Let's rock and roll.

Anyone among you who is a sleep lover and is reading this blog will definitely relate to this because I have personally experienced this: when you intend to sleep for just 2 seconds and wake up after 2 hours, finding yourself running around and cursing yourself for not waking up on time.

Similarly, if a person has had a very busy day, they would think about what they have accomplished and how productive their day was. But for a sleep lover, everything is the opposite. When they get back home, they only think about one thing: how much time they have left to sleep.

Have you ever heard that for some people, everything is just sleep? If you ask them what they do when they're sad, they will say they sleep. If you ask them what they do when they're happy, they will say they sleep. The conclusion is that for them, happiness and sorrow, everything is in sleep.

As I mentioned earlier, for a sleep lover, happiness lies in sleep. Their dreamland would be a cozy room with all the comforts of the world and a soft, comfortable bed. What else would they wish for? Just give them all this, and they will become your slave for life. Lol

The problem for our dear sleep lovers is that life cannot run on just sleep; they need to earn something, go out, do a job, or any appropriate work that keeps life moving forward. And I think this is the biggest torment for sleep lovers. They wish for the night to come and hope that morning never arrives. 😂

Well, that's all from my side.

This is my entry for the #creativesunday initiative hosted by HL community.

All the memes above are made from meme generator

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