Expectations as a newbie on hive. Meme edition

Hello everyone

I hope you all are doing fine. Welcome to another creative and amazing edition of Creative Sunday. I extend a warm welcome to you all. I always eagerly await Creative Sunday because on this day, my creativity truly comes alive. Today, just like always, I have brought some fun and spicy memes. But before that, let's welcome you.

Let's start our spicy memes on today's topic

As you all know, whenever someone joins any hive, they think that all they have to do is create an account and money will start raining from the sky. People will come to me and say wow, very good, excellent. But the reality is that you have to do everything yourself here. There's no magic here; you really have to work hard to achieve something. That's what i did, i will explain that too but later.

So, how was your experience on your first post? I mean, leaving aside the introduction because welcome to hive is done very well, I know. Other than that, talking about a general blog, mine was truly at 0.00 🤣🤣. Because at that time, I didn't know anyone, and nobody came to read my blog either. Because it is i think give and take, if you are not loyal to this platform then why should you take something.

On Facebook and YouTube, I often see people buying fake likes and subscribers, which increases their following list, and they deceitfully make themselves famous. But on hive, I haven't seen anything like that, everyone has to do everything genuinely here. If you want to become famous, then put in the effort, and people will only come to know you and come to you.

One very good thing about hive is that it is decentralized, and it is obvious that some culprits take advantage of this. So, there is a solution for that here, removing the rewards... In my opinion, there is a difference between removing rewards and downvotes, downvotes should only be considered when your reputation is affected (which should be for culprits), but if you make a mistake, then your rewards are just removed, so I think it becomes an equalizer.

Now, my days have started to become more peaceful because now I want to make a positive impact on hive life. Some of my hard work has paid off, friendships with people have grown, many people have started to know me on hive. And I think it was my curious nature that made me explore hive so much and in the end, I found a lot here... Happy ending? :)

Well, that's all from my side.


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