
When I said I was going to make a trip for a wedding, I wanted to go and really have fun. But somethings are trying to mess up with my fun.

First it was the driver and his kabukabu car. When I say Kabukabu, I mean that the car is not in good shape. Don't you know those cars that you push before they start? That's kabukabu..

I got to the park as early as 6:30Am. Hubby took me there and nodded good bye to me.
At 6:59Am, I called to tell him I was already leaving for Lagos, he prayed and wished me a safe journey. I prayed too and told God that we are leaving with his holy spirit. We sure did.

Not up to ten minutes drive, the driver told us that he was making a U-turn. He said the gear has issues and is not ready to manage it. Although we thanked him for his honesty but why then? He ought to put his vehicle in good shape before taking passengers.

We thought, he could offload us into another vehicle, but he didn't. Instead, he called a mechanic to come and repair it. The mechanic repaired it in a few minutes and we moved.Not up to ten minutes again, the gear developed problem. The man called the mechanic again to come back and check it again.

At this point, we believed God was communicating something to us. Most people asked for their money, but the driver did not bulge. Instead he treeked back to the park to get us another vehicle. But he came back saying there was none. So we waited for the repair. Two passengers forfeited their money and went back home. They believed it was dangerous to go ahead with the journey.😅

But we waited and finally, we moved by 8:05Am. Thank God the journey was smooth and we got there safely.

When I posted how happy I was to be attending the wedding in Lagos, and the styles I anticipate, someone among those who commented asked if the tailor can make my clothes well? Jeez, the clothe is a shame.


I am not able to show you what I ordered because it is not an image from a free to use site. However, you will never believe the comparison of both.

I had to take it to a tailor's shop to amend the clothe. That's me in the Tailor's shop. The clothe was big, unattractive, ugly and definitely not my style. How much can the aboki tailor amend?

When he was through, it became too tight.😅. I took it home and couldn't manage it. Next day I took it to another tailor. Making three tailors. 😭. Yet, I didn't like it.
Well, in the next post, I will show you how I will manage it. I gay no choice.

Meanwhile, back home, my cousins were all busy, my Aunt went to the market and at a point my Mum, her siblings are I were very hungry. We decided to stroll round for food.


We couldn't get food in the environment my Uncle lives. Here we are, searching for where to buy food.

Finally we saw a spot we could manage to buy food, we hurried there and found it was an old shop. The owner had moved and left the signboards. When we asked where else to get food, the dirty looking shop the security man pointed to caused this laughter


After a long search we decided we get back home. But on our way home, we saw a joint near my Uncle's house selling "good food". We sat down to enjoy it, only to find that the food left was for four and not five. They even had one fried chicken and we're asking if we could all share it. But for the hunger, we decided to get the food like that. I wonder where the Madam buka got meat to add to the food.


I had to call @mcyusuf to ask if someone can not get good food in his area. 😅

....To be continued.


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