Video Games Addiction

Hello hivians, I hope you all are doing great today.

Getting addicted to a video game is not a good idea for me, because I feel too much of every thing can cause a lot of damage to one’s life and also take a lot of time that was meant to be used for a meaningful thing.


I personally love video games but I will never allow it to be a hobby not talk of an addiction,
Talking about making money with video games is a different case but you can never live on what you earn from video games, I’m sure about that, earning from a video game will not give you the life you want it’ll rather take away your precious time and make you loose focus and not concentrate on what would make you get better or should I say earn better.

I have seen situations where students had to re-sit for an examination all because of addiction to games, they use most of their time which is supposed to be spent on reading books playing games and that has affected their education a lot.

There’s no harm In having a hobby but not an addiction because addiction comes with alot of disadvantages.

All work and no play makes jack a Dull boy.

But the quote never said you should get addicted.

At times we need relaxation after an hectic day at work or throughout a week and these video games helps us relax, it’s not a bad idea to do the most important thing first and then go back to your video games you can always do that anytime so it’s not a thing to make your priority.


Damages Addiction To video Games Can Cause:

    Getting addicted to a video game will take your time and make you lack or loose your relationship due to lack of communication and attention when you give video games most of your time due to addiction if affect how often you relate with your family, friends and partners.

    Addiction to games will not allow you deal with issues with urgency and by the time you have the time to attend to that issue it might be too late.
    In a relationship case, you might be having some issues that might be urgent to attend to but your addiction might not even allow you see it’s urgent or how important they are and that might affect a lot.

    Addiction to games can make you gamble which is bad and might make you loose a lot of your properties and belongings.

So I advise not to get addicted to games once again, it’s better not to even be a gamer than to be addicted gamer thank you.

I hope you enjoyed reading this !


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