You will be addressed by the way you dress.

We can call it branding. The way you present yourself will give people an impression of whom you are. You will also be addressed by the way you dress.
What the eyes can't eat, then it will not be possible for the month the eat too. Does it mean that the eyes can eat? No. Is just a proverb in Igbo language. In fact I did a direct translation. Hahahaha 🤣. When doing a direct translation, it do sounds somehow wired. That is just a way of introducing my topic for the day.


This is week 115, edition 2. And the wonderful topic for today says - Physical Appearance. I think I will be looking at Branding. Branding is a way of showcasing what you have in a manner that it will be buyable. When you want to introducing a new product to someone who has never used that product. How do you present it? What do you tell that person to make him or her buy your product? How do you packed your product?

All of these questions leads us to the word - branding. If we don't know music about branding, then we may not do the work very well. We need to present the product in such a way that the buyer will have no other options than to buy it. It might even be that the product is just new and it not represent what we are saying. In times of quality, it may not have all the quality that we have talked about, but because of the way and manner we have talked about it, people will believe that it is very good.

Moving on to what we want to talk about today. How do you present yourself when you go to look for a job? First impressions matter alot. You can't just say you will dress any how and go in search of a job. You can't get that job. Your dressing speaks of the kind of person that you are. I believe that it is a very good thing that we appear very good and also smell nice when we want to go in search of a job because it might bring favor our way.

I don't think that if I have the opportunity to change it I will do such thing. I would rather encourage it. I will also make sure that people appear real good not just because of job searching. But maintaining it as a life style. It will also go along way to reduce our bad manner of dressing. I once saw a mechanic on the road and nearly ran away from him thinking that he is a mad person. That was just because of the way he was dressed.

In summary, it is very good for us to dress up very well all the time. We should not just do it because we are searching for a job. But we should make it a life style.
Thanks for hopping in.
This post was inspired by the hive learners community contest for week 115, edition 2.

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