Hello friends. It is a great thing to see you again in this week's prompt. Happy new month also to everyone here.


What I have planned to achieve this year can still be achieved before the year runs out. The topic for week 78 and edition 1 says Four Months More four months is 16 weeks and sixteen weeks will give us 120 days or even more according to our calendar.

*The year is gradually running to a close.
The fact is that the year is coming to a close, but God's plan for us has not come to a close. I still have alot of time. Four month is actually alot of time. Because if one can work with each day as it comes, many things can be achieved.

What is that goal you're yet to achieve?
Well, I am yet to finish my own personal house. This was one of my major goal for the year 2023. I told us at the beginning of the year that I am tired of living in the house built by others, I am also tired of paying house rent. So, in other to come out of that, the only thing to do is to build my own house. By God's grace we got a good land and we also started the building project last year. The plan was to complete it this year.

Do you think the remaining four months is enough to make it happen?

As it stands now, I can't say yes or no. I believe in the miracle of God. Anything can happen this month or next. All I do is to work very hard, raise the little money that I am able to raise, then leave the rest for God. Actually I don't have the needed cash to complete that project now, but when God wants to do anything, not even money can hold him back. I know we have heard a little set back in the work when we started the building project, but so far i can say that God has been merciful to us. When the work started we lost money, resources and what have you, as a result of us being inexperienced. But as we keep advancing gradually, we started learning from our mistakes and today we are were we are because of that.

Just how much do you think you can achieve within four month?
I can achieve a lot within the last four months. I have seen people build their house in two months and pack in the next day the house is fixed. I don't want to limit my big God with my pocket. I can finish that building project in two months time once the money enters into my hands. all I need do is to get the engineer and complete the work if the money is made available.

In conclusion, with God all things are possible! Well one can decide yo run as fast as he can, but without God by his side, he might not be successful. I'm not seeing success as the work of my Efforts, but simply the work of mercy from the one above us all.

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