Transforming The World Through The Power Of Love

Loving someone is what everyone is craving for but not everyone is capable of handling love, spreading love across the nation is what people in power are doing but they can't satisfy everyone in the world because some people are not capable of reciprocating the love to people around them.

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Imagine the Government installed street lights for everyone to see when walking at night, but some thugs got there and removed the solar in it for their own use only. Are they reciprocating the love to anyone? I guess not. And if we don't spread love among people the world will never be better no matter how civilized we are.

And once the world is not better there would be no peace for everyone. We will definitely be planning war against one another which will never let the world move forward.
If we love each other genuinely, there wouldn't be any problem for us and there won't be hatred no matter what happens.

Loving our neighbours as ourselves is what God wants and that is what we all should do because that is the only thing which could guarantee a better world for us.
When there is love, there won't be war, chaos, hatred and all that because love doesn't fight, discriminate, or go against anyone.

When I say love is the only thing that can make us move forward in the world I wasn't talking about girlfriend and boyfriend relationships, I am talking about genuine love from God because God is loving Himself.
I am talking about sharing love among everyone in the neighbourhood to make peace reign and to create a better world for the next generation because it is what we lay down that they are coming to recreate.

Here is the only thing I do to create a better world and to make sure there is peace around me, this is nothing else but 'LOVE'. I love everyone the way I love myself even though some don't know how to return the love but I don't mind, we are human with a different mindset.

Helping people is an act of spreading love, and I love it because it gives me peace of mind. I am always glad when I can be of help to people because I don't know what will happen tomorrow, the poor man in my street today can become a wealthy man tomorrow.

He can also decide to help a lot of people, that's how we spread love.
That is my belief so I don't think twice before helping since I don't know what tomorrow holds for me or anyone.

One thing about spreading love is that it makes everyone have a good connection with one another, and that is why I choose to love everyone without looking at their shortcomings, if you are still looking at someone's mistakes it means you don't love them enough to give them your love.

Meanwhile, we are all humans which means we can never be perfect. Just do your part and leave the rest for them to handle. Spread love and not hatred so that the world can move forward

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