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In The Heart Of Fear

In every human life stage there will definitely be a time someone will be terrified of one situation or another, and to top it all I am a man which we all know man has a lot to deal with starting from the day you realize that you are a man.

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Have I been terrified before?

Yes, I have been terrified in so many ways, but I never let go of my life even though life was tough. A man must never stop running no matter how tired he is, he must always keep his head up.

Although I don't disagree that school life is the best, can we all agree that it also shapes how someone's future will turn out? Since there are many individuals you will meet in school, depending on who you confide in with your life, some of them may uplift you while others may drag you down.

When I was in university I met a lot of people, both guys and girls. I am the type of person that is open-minded with people so I don't think negatively of anyone that is around me.
I met one guy on the first day of school, and I just had a natural attraction to him.
I like this guy, and we always hang out together and share all I have.

We got to the 200 level and our friendship got closer from my side. One day I was on my way to the library to read as usual. I called him and he told me that he would join me. I was almost at the library when a guy crossed me and told me that my friend wanted to see me.

I didn't think twice before I followed him but I was surprised and terrified when I got there I found out that my so-called friend belonged to one particular cultist group. I was afraid and was shaking as if someone just poured me cold water but I stayed strong and then walked up to where he was standing.

He told me that I should relax and that he wasn't going to hurt me but I wasn't cool with the way all the guys there were chatting in different slang as if they were saying incantations. I was offered a drink but I couldn't drink it because I don't know what must have been mixed inside the drink.

An hour later I told him I needed to read and he just smiled and said I should get going, and he said he would be in the library shortly, so I went straight home. Immediately I left that place and I spent almost a week at home because I couldn't bring myself to stay a day in the school hostel knowing that my close friend belonged to an occultic group.

When I resumed, I started avoiding him and along the line, he and his gang misbehaved in school and they were sent away. That was when I felt relaxed to be in school.

When I got back home on holiday I shared the experience with one of my brothers and he told me if I didn't run back home that day the guy was trying to initiate me into his gang and it was only God that helped because since I have seen them all I must join them.