Newbies Task 2 - Knowing the dos and donts of Hive blockchain, the usage of markdowns and creation of markdowns using Canva

Greetings to all and sundry on this platform, I am very excited to write and participate in this great initiative (Newbies Initiative Programme). It is a great pleasure to be part of the participants. I would also like to thank @starstrings01 for taking us through our second course for this program. Also, I would like to acknowledge the good work of our noble team leader @moremoney28 for reviewing our first tasks.

Image source from Canva

As a Hivean, What are things that are expected of you? What are the things which are not expected of you to not do?

Okay, before I commence we all know that, on every platform, there is the need to know about the do's and don'ts about the platform before exploring or using such a platform, so as it is to hive platform, it is very necessary to learn the things that are of required of us and those that are aren't required of us doing on the platform so we can escape the consequences of being punished on the platform.

As and when I joined this platform, I have always taken it a rule to always read the rules and guidelines of a community that I join to see if I really fit into that community or to know the dos and donts of that community before I start to post an article of mine on those communities. Doing that aids one to escape punishment and can even earn rewards through upvotes because you followed the rules and guidelines of the community before making a post.

As a Hivian, the following are the things that are required and not required of you on the Hive blockchain platform. It is required of us to write and share quality content on the hive blockchain in order to get rewarded for the good efforts we put into our posts. It is important that we take our time to write posts or articles that are plagiarism-free content by making sure we don't copy and paste any article or passage directly from the internet and use that as our work without sourcing where we got that content from.

As a Hivian, we must always source content or images that are taken directly from the internet so that it would show that you aren't the author of that content or image. Engagement with other authors' posts on the platform is also one of the most important things required of us. This is about reading their posts and leaving a reasonable and meaningful comment on the post. This gives you the chance to earn more followers on the platform and even helps you to make new friends as well.

Engagement through commenting and upvoting author's posts would even grant you the chance of you also earning upvotes as well. Moreover, it is important for us not to go about and be begging Whales or curation accounts to upvote our posts, this may end us getting downvoted and would ruin our reputation at the end of the day. Vote begging includes tagging unknown people in your posts, tagging the whales' accounts or curation accounts in your posts so they can easily find your post and curate, etc. We should desist from this act as it can ruin our reputation on the platform.

Furthermore, one of the things that are not required of us is the use of AI-generated as your own post without sourcing in your post that it is AI-generated content. Recently there was a fight against that and it is currently under watch as well, so as a Hivian we should always try to make our post-AI-free content in order not to fall victim to hivewatchers.

Finally, it is required to use correct and relevant tags that speak about our posts made and not just use any tag for any post of our choice. For instance, when one writes a science or technology-based article, then it is important to use "science" or "technology" as one of the tags and not use something like finance or business. The use of correct and relevant tags helps one to earn upvotes easily especially if the curator follows the community-related tags in curating.

Your thumbnail should be made with using Canva, show us the steps you took to make your thumbnail.

As a blogger or a Hivian, thumbnails are one of the most important as of your blog they should always be perfect and stand out alone. This is because that is what any other author sees first and would draw attention to your post. They give some insight into what that post is going to talk about even before the person opens your post to read the content.

In that case, we should always ensure that our thumbnail gives a better reflection of the content of our post or article. Thumbnails can be created using Canva and other editing software as well. I would show how I created my thumbnail of this post using Canva

First of all, I opened and then used the template search button by entering tasks. I then selected the template as shown in my screenshot below.

Image source from Canva

After selecting the template of my choice, I then went ahead and started with my personal editing and stuff. First I deleted the image in the circle and inserted my photo and shown below.

Image source from Canva

Image source from Canva

After which I then edited the writing with my personal write-up and also made changes to the positions of the image and the write-ups as well.

Also, I utilized the editing toolbar and made changes to my font style and font size as well. Also, font color was also taken into consideration so as to provide a brighter thumbnail.

Image source from Canva

After, the final editing of my thumbnail, I successfully came out with this.

Image source from Canva

With regards to the markdowns, I think a lot of them have been used in this post including bolden, justify alignment, the center of the image, subscripts texts, sourcing, changing text to red color for topics or headings, etc.

I am very grateful to be part of this initiative as it is really impacting me so much about the hive platform. As a newbie sometimes the one that brought you on board does not have ample time to take us through all these teachings and tutorials but by joining this initiative I have been able to learn all these at free of charge. Thanks to all the tutors for this task @ksam, @starstrings01, and also applause to team three's leader @moremoney28 for his great work and guidance he gives us every week.

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