How I became I addicted to the use of the phrase "I am sorry"

Greetings to all and sundry on this noblest platform. I welcome you all to my blog once more, and today I write to submit my entry for the first edition of this week's contest (i.e., Week 53 edition 1), featuring the topic "I am Sorry" and it is about sharing I am sorry life experience with you guys. Let's dive into the topic without much ado.

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I am sorry
The phrase “I am sorry” isn’t an easy one for me personally when uttering that to a different person. I really do find it difficult when I am supposed to utter that words to an individual whom I have offended or something else. I am the kind of person that believe to be strong and doesn’t just give in to the emotions of others.

I see apologizing as a form of weakness that one go through although it really got some benefits. I somethings just let it go when I wrong someone without uttering that simple phrase “I am sorry” to the person so the matter can end there.

I can recall getting into a certain fight when at my basic school level with a friend. This was just about an assignment we were doing where I brought out my answers and my friend debunked them. I decided not to just give up instantly like that so I argued back and I ended up hurting the feelings and emotions of my friend. Later I had to apologize for hurting his feelings and emotions. After a while, I sat down thinking and pondering over what happened and I realized if I had just accepted and put aside my pride and say the phrase “I am sorry” to him, the matter would have ended without me hurting him so much to that extent.

These same issues just keep repeating themselves in my life as I move forward in life. I would have a fight with a friend and not apologize but instead just get angry and used indecent words on the person such the feelings of that person would be hurt. The reason for me not apologizing was just the fact that I was feeling to be stronger than them or maybe proud of myself. But in reality, it was all dumbness and a childish way of living. I realize most of my friends were moving away from me due to the kind of life I was living with them. This made me have a tremendous reduction in the number of friends I was having.

As I grow and become mature in my life, I realized no what I have been doing was really bad and not the best way of approaching my colleagues. I got to realize that apologizing for your mistakes is a way of getting more good and new friends and also helps your friends to have trust in you. People would always forgive you once you do something bad against them if you always try to take responsibility for your mistakes.

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I did not just start apologizing to my friends only but to my family members and also most of my mates that I had quarreled with before. I saw that people started to see to it that I have a caring heart now and they started to mingle with me again which was my main aim of going back to them to apologize for my mistakes.

I again realized that saying I am sorry wasn’t any kind of showing strength or pride but it was a form of showing love, respect, caring, and understanding between yourself and others. I also understood the fact that one can never be right all the time no matter your dealings with others. Also, I learned that we shouldn’t always try to be superior over others and avoid looking down upon others always.

I started to build stronger relationships with others when I started to take responsibility for my actions (mistakes). As and when I started to accept my mistakes and started apologizing I realize there was an improvement in my life a lot.

For now, I am very mindful of the kind words I used on others and also I don’t take any action that would lead to a quarrel or fight between myself and other people. I have been very wary of how I relate with others these days so as to not hurt the feelings of others. It wasn’t easy for me in adapting the sayings of that phrase “I am sorry”. But today I am grateful that I can utter them to any person that I hurt or I see to it that I have wronged in one way or the other.

Apologizing by saying I am sorry had now been a part and parcel of my life and this has really brought much positive impact on my life. Let’s always try to implement the saying “I am sorry” and we shouldn’t feel proud to say that to people we have wronged.

I designed this myself using Canva

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