Paid Huge But Less Item.

Paid Huge But Less Item.

I'm a trader after my dream to become an accountant was thwarted. I never gave up on my business. My husband, on the other hand, has been of help to me. He never let me down at any moment. He always advised me to buy goods when they are at a lower level. That is when the price of those goods is lowered. Sometimes fear always grips my heart, but with his words of advice, I always make more gain than loss.

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One fateful day, he advised me to buy three bags of rice and a bag of beans as food items are becoming higher in price. I did not agree with him, but after much pressure, I bought the items. I was supposed to buy a bag of rice and half a bag of beans, but with his words, I bought as he suggested. Likewise, I unwrapped the rice just to measure the number of paint rubber inside of it. This has been my culture and I cannot desist from it as I have been cheated severally.

I started measuring the rice as on a normal ground, we were supposed to have at least 12 paint rubber in each. I measured the first one and I saw 11 paint rubber. When I discovered this, my mind began to boil to its peak.

I opened the second one and saw 10 paint rubber. What a mess!!! I had no time to waste as I immediately picked up my phone to call the person who sold the rice to me. He could not object but told me to come to his shop and he was going to measure the bags again. When I got to his shop, he measured the rice and saw what I told him. This would be a mistake. He gave me another bag of rice. When I got home, I measured the two bags of rice again. Behold, I got about 13 paint rubber in each.

Without wasting any time, I opened the beans, although I have not for once measured the bean, I have always checked if it is the neat type. After opening it, I saw so much dirt in it which may make me loose. No one would be ready to lose what he or she had bought for a huge amount. So, I decided to call the woman who sold the bag of beans for me. She was arguing initially but after much talk from my end, she could not say a word and instead asked me to come for another bag, which I did. She gave me the one with dirt free.

No one would like to pay a huge amount for something that would make you lose. We trade to acquire gain, but not to lose. Losing is not part of the reason we are trading, even though there must be risks in whatever you are trading. The risks should not come from the aspect of not making a profit.

We all need to make a profit on whatever we are selling, especially a petty trader like me.

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