Thing i hated the most๐Ÿ˜ž

Hello to all hive users ๐Ÿ™‚โค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘‹
Hope you all are healthy and enjoying your weekend well ๐Ÿค 

If you ask to all the people in this world, there are some things that they like very much and some things that they do not like at all. I also like many things and there are also many things I don't like.

Image by Alexandra_Koch from pixabay

If I talk about myself, what is the thing that I hated the most, then I do not like such people at all, who use others for their own benefit, I do not even think it appropriate to talk to such people. Ever since I have regained consciousness, I have seen many people in my life who do full use of others for their own benefit and when their work is done in the end, they leave those people too from their life. .
We cannot call such people clever because clever people are those people who do not allow any harm to themselves, that is, no one can fool you, no one can cheat you, we will call such people clever who protect themselves. Those who take advantage of others for their work are not called clever. I have seen many people in my life who themselves go far ahead with the help of others and when they become successful, they never look back at those people, I do not like such people because if someone has helped you and If you have achieved something with this help, then it is your responsibility to help them too in their hard times. If you are expecting someone to do something for you, then in return it is your duty to do much more than they had done for you.

If I talk about my personal experience, then I had a friend who used to study with me, we are good friends for a long time, I helped my friend a lot whenever he needed something, I used to help her whenever he needed me, and I used to do what I could, but after sometime he went out of town,he had made some good friends and after sometime he stopped talking to me, then gradually stopped calling me and now it is like that he totally ignores me i didn't knew the reason behind this .
When he used to lived in our city, at that time he did not have any friends, so he used to stay mostly with me,chill with me but as he had make new friends then he kept forgetting the old friend there.
Once I had gone from my city to another city for a job, this friend was also working in the same city, so I asked him for help then can you give me some space for living in your house because I was new in that city and I didn't have much knowledge about that city,I also told him that we will share the room rent and all the expenses so I asked her for help to stay there for some time but he flatly refused.
I didn't like this thing at all. I Helped him a lot in many other things but he did not think even once that I should also help him. After that day I felt very bad but then I thought that I was expecting more than that, it was not worth it, since then I hate people who don't ask others after their work is done.
One should not play with the feelings of any person, because somewhere later we may have to face many consequences. Helping each other in their hard times is a greatest deed.

Thanks for reading till the end โฃ๏ธโฃ๏ธ
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