Terrifying story during travel

Hello to all hive users πŸ˜πŸ™β™₯️
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life πŸ€—

Every day we experience many types of emotions in our life such as happiness, sadness, anger and fear. All these emotions are such that we are often able to feel them due to some reason or the other, for example, if something is happening in our life which is as per our expectation then we become very happy whereas if something in life goes as per our wish. If it is not happening, we get a little worried and sometimes something happens that we get so worried about something that we even get angry. So, similarly, we keep experiencing many types of emotions every day.

Let me tell you about one such incident in my life when I was extremely scared and I have never felt so scared before. So this happened about 4 years ago, some of my friends who work in another city had come to their respective homes, so we all had made a plan to meet, after that we all decided that the next day we would meet. We will go for a walk and the place where we were going to visit was a very beautiful hill station which was at a distance of about 60 kilometers from our city. We all made a group plan at night and then the next day it was decided that everyone would be ready at 10:00 in the morning and we would leave on time. On the second day too, I woke up on time and did all the work at my scheduled time and I was ready around 9:30 when I got a call from one of my friends that he would be a little late because he had some urgent household work has came.

By the time my friend reached it, it was around 11:15 and the mood of all of us was a bit off because we had to reach there on time because at that time the month of October was going on and the days were also getting shorter. So we were just afraid whether we would be able to reach there on time or not because we had to come back again. Then when our friend came, we all started in our two-wheeler and then we would get a lot of time in between because we were seeing very good views and we wanted to do a photo shoot, so we again kept a lot of space. Also got a photo shoot done and due to all this we got delayed in reaching our destination and we reached our destination around 3 o'clock. When we reached, we felt that it was too late now, so we could not explore the place much and had to explore a little bit of the place, it was around 4:30, then we felt that we should go back. Because soon the day is going to set. We all were feeling very hungry because we had only eaten noodles once a day and nothing else. After that we all returned and saw a good restaurant at some distance, so we sat there and ate a lot and by all this it was about 6 o'clock, now when we came out and saw, the day had set and darkness had started. . Then we started feeling scared because the road ahead was quite deserted and there were a lot of wild animals at that place, then one of my friends said that we should look for a hotel etc. but we called the nearby hotels. When we checked, there were no vacant rooms and we had spent about 15 to 20 minutes in locating the hotel. Then we all decided that now there is no option, now we will have to move towards home, all of you left, after that after going some distance, one of my friend's car broke down and there the car broke down at such a place. It was a completely deserted place, the entire area was forest above and below. All of us friends were very scared and I was even more scared.

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

All of us tried hard but my friend's car was not being repaired, then two of us went to the front and two to the back in case we found a mechanic and would call him and take him here. Came but there was no shop further back. We went back and forth about four kilometers but could not find any mechanic anywhere. After that, we decided here that we will talk to him peacefully and take his car and if we find any shop ahead, we will park it there. We took his car for about 6 kilometers with our vehicles and at some distance we found a shop which was about to be closed. When we asked the shopkeeper about it, he said that no mechanic would be available right now, but the shopkeeper told us that He asked for help and said that you should not leave your car and he will come and take it tomorrow morning. Then we did the same and after that we made those two friends sit in our respective two-wheelers with triple seating and we started towards our home. It was about 9 o'clock when we reached home and the family members were very worried and scared and I had bitten my teeth a lot that day because this had never happened before.

After that day, we were very scared and whenever we plan to go somewhere, we plan things keeping in mind the time limit and move forward while managing the time properly because we saved the day because We were trapped in such a scary place and we became very worried but by the grace of God we reached our homes safely.

Thanks for reading till the endπŸ™
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