Childrens should also have to take responsibility of their parents

Hello to all hive users🙂❤️🌹
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life🤗🤗

Many of the people who are reading this post are also parents and they would know very well how difficult it is to raise a child when a child comes into their life. Especially when a child is born, a lot of precautions have to be taken and as the child grows up, many expenses increase with him and along with the expenses, he should have a person who can always take care of him. Many times I also think that if I get married and then have children, how will they be raised. Nowadays, in a family there are parents and children and it also happens that both the mother and father do jobs, due to which it is very difficult to give time to the children and then people hire baby sweaters etc. but even then the child cannot be taken care of properly.

Image by Anemone123 from Pixabay

After the birth of a child, the mother and the child have to take the most care of the child such as feeding them on time and administering necessary medicines and tests on time and along with this, staying with the child till he is awake and you get free on time only when your child is asleep and at this time you can do your important work. You can also think about this thing that you are alone in the house and only your small child is with you and suppose you have some important work or you have to go to the washroom, then how will you go. You cannot even leave your children alone because if you are going to the washroom even for 10 minutes, then your child can get in there and do anything there. It is really very difficult to raise children. When the children are small, then the parents think at that stage of their life that when will these children grow up, when will they be so big that they can take care of themselves.

From the upbringing of children to their college education, everything is spent by their parents. But the worst thing I feel about this generation is that as soon as the children get a job, they stay away from the family. And when they get married, I have seen that they do not like to stay with their parents. And sometimes it is also seen that one of the two couples does not like to stay with the parents, so they live separately. And at the age when the parents need their children the most, they are not able to be there for them. If seen, children want to keep their parents with them only and they do not want to do anything more than this. What I mean to say here is that the kind of service that parents do for their children when they are small, they do not have to do that at all. But still the children do not like to keep their parents with them. I am totally against this because I believe that whatever service our parents have done for us from the time we were born till today, we should also do the same service for them in their old age. Now if we can do even 10% of the service they have done for us from our childhood till today, then it will be a matter of great happiness for us.

Many times I see that parents educate their children in extreme poverty and after getting educated when the child gets a good job then he goes abroad and becomes a good person there but then there are some children who go abroad and forget their parents completely and those children do not even think that they should also do something for their parents and give them at least so much so that they can come out of poverty and live a good life. Otherwise there is no benefit of such progress where you are living a comfortable life and your parents are spending their days in poverty.

I believe that your family should be happy and happy with you. You may earn less money but always support your family and never leave them in their difficult times because money is still useful to a person but once you leave your family, it is very difficult to get that thing back again.

Thanks for reading till the end 🙏🙏
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