Love in the air…


Even through the storms…
I would always want to live again…
Every day the sun shines…
And every night the moon glows…
I would remain a fool of your charms…

Just like the white dove 🕊 flying high…
Your love must have elevated me…
I don’t want a story ending with you…
I want an end with you there…
That’s the love I want with you…

I have lived my life for years…
You will always be my dear…
Your love is something I can’t dare…
When you are close all I can feel is you…
Even far away I can’t do without you…

Whenever the day is bright…
And even in the darkest night…
All I can see is your light…
Yet in my dreams, I can’t find a path…
But you became the reason I overwrote…

All I want is your ability…
Make me rest assured of your availability…
Getting in between us is an impossibility…
For our stability is strong in mobility…
For every second with you is tranquility…

Every action is an addiction…
Our affiliation came with strong affection…
No matter the affliction, it remains an illusion…
My heart is always filled with appreciation…
That is why I have every reason for celebration…

Let’s remain strong in grace…
For our race would end in praise…
They said love is blind…
Yet I fell in love at first sight…

After many years of sunshine…
You brought the rain…
After many years of pain…
You brought me laughter again...
You have my heart, my love 😍…

They said love is blind but I believe that when a blind man falls in love then he would see the world through his heart.

We are all bound to fall in love with the people around us. Love is not necessarily among couples or only for those in relationships. Love can happen to anyone, anything at any point in time.

Love could be between parents and children, could be among siblings, love could be among workmates and neighbors, and love could reflect on animals. There are different ways people fall in love.

The best way to love; is to love and be loved in return by whom you love.


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