I wish I could make countless friends, but I can’t.


In recent days there are reasons why you should be cautious about making friends. Friends are to be made but with caution. If you make friends anyhow then you might be bound to change from who you are to someone you don't even expect yourself to be. That's more of the reason why it's said that friends influence a lot in one's life.

When you make friends with bad gangs then there is no way you won't get influenced by their actions, you might feel reluctant at first as your personality won't allow you to change so quickly. But gradually you get initiated and become a part of them.

Same way if you are surrounded by good and great-minded friends you will surely be influenced by their ways. Even if you are not willing to become great. Moving with them will make people count you as someone great.

Making friends is like smoking. There is no way you get closer to it, even though you are not the one smoking, once you move away from the smoke it will surely smell on you. So that is just a good example of making friends.

I have seen a lot of people make friends and through friendships, they already fell into pits of no return, some found themselves in places they never wanted, and through friendships also I have seen a lot of people make success in no time. The importance of friendships can’t be overlooked.

I remember the time I got admission into the university. One of the persistent warnings my parents kept repeating was about making friends. And I hid their advice. Though they knew I am not the type that makes friendships just with anyone. But still, they had to give warnings and reminders.

I am the type of person who hardly makes friends and relates with people. If you have me as a friend then I must have realized you are just my type in and out. And you are even someone better than me in several ways.

There is one logic about making friends I love to stick to. And the logic is making friends with people that are better than you. You don't have to make friends with people below you. They are the ones to make friends with you. Only if you want to keep improving in life.

During my days at the university, throughout my first year, I had just two friends and that happened in my second semester. My friend happened to be someone we were in the same hostel. We knew each other but we never knew we were in the same department.

Not until a day when we jammed together after class then we get to know our departments and since then we have gotten even closer. I looked up to him in some parts of my academics because he is better than I am. And he also has some aspects where I gave him the morale that we can do better.

We became close friends till the end of our years in the institution. I understood his ways, what he likes and what he doesn’t. With these, there was nothing like quarrels or envy or anything related. I made a few more friends after my first year and they were my roommates. I was just so lucky to have them all. They were my type.

We are still in touch to date. We are making plans to have a meetup soon. And I will appreciate it so much. That’s friendship to me. Building together and growing together.

It's not a matter of counts, the question is do those counts really count? Can you tap your fingers and call your friends when you are in need and they will be there for you? Or you just have thousands of them and you don't even know who is who?


This is my response to the hive learners community weekly featured content on Hive for the week 101 edition 1 and the topic to be discussed is MAKING NEW FRIENDS

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