I want many kids as much as possible…

There was a time I heard about the Chinese government trying to control birth in their country. I thought it was a good idea back then. At least it would reduce their population and also give them a well-organized country.

But recently, this same China researched and got their population census, after which they realized that they have been endangering their humankind and in years to come, there will be more of the old people in the country in ratio to the youth. And if there is less youth, then who is the one to take over or care for the older generations?

All in all, birth control is just like calling a ruin upon oneself. As for me, I see it as a means of tampering with nature.

A question that comes to mind is that, when we were coming into the world, was there any specific reason, or I say any form and agreement to be filled before we came to life?

If there is no answer to that then it means, our existence was never in any way in our hands. I still find it funny when people talk about family planning. I am not saying it’s something bad. But even in our life itself, if we look back to all of our plans, the ones we planned that came to pass, many we planned and got disappointed, some we planned for that are even yet to come to pass. All of those plans, don't we think there should be a way to make them come to pass forcefully? If our plans are within our reach.

With the aid of technology, now we can have scans and know the type of baby in the mother’s womb, be it a boy or a girl. But the funny aspect of it is times when the scan would say it's a boy and then it would be a girl. Isn’t that part of planning?

And shockingly there are times when we plan to have just a kid and then there come twins or triplets. Where was our family plan?

I remember my parents having a family plan of just three kids. The plan came to pass according to my dad's words. Two boys and one girl. Just the way he wanted it.

Should I say he never knew what fate had in place for him? After ten years of good planning, my mum got pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy. We were happy about it, though it wasn't part of the plan 😂. We thought it would end there. Not until she gave birth to another child again a year later.

Family planning of 3 now turned 5. The repercussion of their actions then is now telling on them. The three of us have left them to their lives, now it's our remaining two siblings that are taking care of them, running errands and all other things in the home. So everything is planned already.

We can just make our plans, but we shouldn’t be so adamant and reassured that our plans must come to pass.

For me, I would also like a family plan, if that works out well. But I am not limiting myself to a certain about of child. I will surely give birth to them as much as I can. The only clause here is that I will make sure I am responsible and ready to cater to their needs and pray God help me.

A lot of scenarios where all of the siblings won't be successful in a family, and then the last kid whom nobody would think can make it in life becomes the breadwinner of the family. So childbirth is something that nature decides.

I don't see a reason why the federal government should involve themselves and try to control childbirth. All I see is the government doing its best to create a favorable economy that will suit each family according to their respective homes.

This is my response to the hive learners community weekly featured content on Hive for the week 115 edition 1 and the topic to be discussed is HOW MANY KIDS

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