Your health is important

Good day to you all my tutors and learners here on Hive.


In this world we find ourselves today, we realize that our mental health is so important just like any other thing. The way our meals are important to our health so is our mental stability too.

At times when we try to make things happen in our way, we tend to overthink and overdo some things out of our reach and this could be a reason for the cause of mental instability.

It could also come from the burden, depression, responsibility, lack of happiness, financial instability, and many more. But of all these, what matters most is that one should make sure to find a way of getting better and not forget that their health comes first before anything else.

There are some sorts of illnesses that don't come naturally but as a result of our actions and these illnesses when undervalued or overlooked could be deadly and take lives unexpectedly.

Sometimes when we have high blood pressure due to overthinking, and at times stroke illness which results from too high blood pressure not being attended to. All these could be happening within us but we won’t know of it unless proper attention is given.

Ways to keep our mental health intact

I am not a health personnel or some kind of psychologist. But at least I have my life to live and it's my responsibility to make sure I live sound and healthy, physically, socially, mentally, and spiritually. Some of the ways I get to care for my mental health despite the hardships and cruelty of the world we live in today are

Yourself First

I have always tried working with this rule for a long time now and I can say it has been on a good side for me. This is not about being stingy or selfish. But making yourself a priority should be something you must do. And the reason is that the way you feel for others, they might not feel the same about you. You might think they care for you but in the real sense, everyone is fighting their own battle. Someone who has a shortage of blood can never donate to others. So take your life seriously, care for it, and cherish it, because you only live once.

Go for a checkup and exercise yourself

Going for a checkup is one way to keep our physical and mental health. At times it might cost you money to go for checkups but you realize that prevention is always way better than cure. Checkups are like a foresight about what could happen to you and proper attention could be made on time.

Eat good food and fruits

Your food also matters a lot health-wise. The balanced diet is not just there for fun but we should make sure we try to take them if not all but to some extent and also do well to take some fruits too.

Stop comparing yourself to others

One thing that makes people overdo and render their lives useless is the fact that they compare their lives and their standards to others. Once you know that you guys didn’t come to life the same way, the same day, so you don't have any reason to be the way they are. All you have to do is to sit by yourself, discover yourself and work towards achieving your goals.

Be prepared for disappointment

We are all humans and that’s humanity for us. There is no way we won't act as humans. Humans would always be human and once you rely on them too much they might disappoint you for sure. But when you have a mindset that humans are bound to be that way you won't get to overthink what you were supposed to have overlooked.

Avoid debts

I have always kept to one thing in life. That is getting into debt. Too much debt takes away peace of mind and it's also a stealer of joy. There is no way you would be happy when you are in debt, especially debts that lead to disgrace and disrespect. I realized living a debt-free life aids in mental health too.

Be prayerful

Lastly, after trying to do all these, pray!. When you pray alongside your care then things would continue to work in your favor. Because there are people who have all these done and yet never had peace of mind which has affected their mental health.

This is my response to the prompt for week 63 edition 2 on the hive learners community and the topic to be discussed is MENTAL HEALTH.

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