[W107-E1] Depression came to visit

[W107-E1] Depression came to visit


The photos in this post are in black and white, because depression makes you see the world like that.

Depression is something real, and I think the best weapon it has are the prejudices that many of us have adopted to believe that it doesn't exist, that we can become immune. But, how did she come to accompany us for a while?

Perhaps, my first memories with her were with a family member. Her situation and behavior left many unknowns in me, I did not know how to handle her, what to do, what to say, what to think. Later, an even closer relative was diagnosed with major depression. The psychiatrist explained that depression can be broken down into three levels. Well, my relative was at the most severe level. That's where I got to know depression in a very close way.

Those were very hard years, physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually, socially. Care was as basic as having to help my family member take a shower. One can come to feel that little of what one does will do any good, that little of what one says will be of comfort, that little of what one may feel really matters. What matters now is the patient.


For my relative to get better, the help of a professional and pharmacological treatment was vital. Also therapies where conversation and reasoning take place. The spiritual aspect is also important, because one must understand the things that are above our existence and human power. Time? Also, perhaps. After a few years he was discharged. Although he became prone to depression, and in fact relapsed, he is learning to cope, as is the case with many physically ill people.

What have I learned? I think I would need a series of posts to develop this answer, but trying to synthesize I would say:

  • We need to stop using the word "depressed" liberally, for any case. Clinical depression is a horrible thing, and many don't know what that is.

  • You need to see a doctor and avoid trying to fight it alone.

  • Caregivers need support and consideration much like the sufferer.

  • No one depressed person is the same as another. We must avoid recommending solutions freely, as if there were a magic recipe for every depressed person.


And I end with one of the most important lessons I learned: you may never get sick from it, but no one is immune.


Banner 2022.jpg

Images: Of my property, edited in GIMP and captured with my Canon EOS Rebel t3i camera.
Banner: Made by me in GIMP with my own images and free resources from the site pfpmaker.com/
Language: Post written in Spanish and then translated into English through DeepL

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