Decima: Two Hold - Chapter 23 - A'mara Books





Imperial Palace Irola

“That’s some of the hottest footage I’ve seen in a long time!” Lant said, holding Jukanya on his lap.

She could feel his hardening lust beneath her.

“He’s not bad for an old guy,” Jukanya quipped.

“Not bad?!” Lant countered. “He woke her up several times in the night. It just got hotter and hotter! If that’s how my sister, Oleana, spent her last few hours in this life, then she did very well indeed!”

“How do you have a spy camera in their bedroom?” Jukanya asked curiously.

“We can’t give away all our secrets!” the Empress complained. “It’s not that hard though. Especially, when they are in that old monastery. The place is riddled with secret passages that would make the Sisters of Vasana blush!”

Jukanya wondered how she could get a message to the abáris.

“Don’t be thinking that you can tell them without me knowing,” the Empress replied to her thoughts. “If you even try, I’ll have Lant give you to Harriett’s dragon as a little snack.”

“Damn you!” Jukanya growled.

“Lant, you haven’t taught her her manners yet.”

“I shall try again right now!”

“She will never birth a child, you realize, Lant. You may as well give her to the disease-ridden guards. They can enjoy her.”

“They’ll kill me!” she replied in horror.

“You’re far too dangerous to keep alive,” the Empress replied. “Your death will be a slow one in the guardhouse – or a fast one in the dragon’s lair. Your choice.”

“Give me to the dragon!” Jukanya suggested. “Then, I will trouble you no more.”

“We could give her to the dragon piece by piece,” Lant suggested. “She can watch as we feed the dragon each of her arms, then her legs…” He caressed each part of her suggestively as he described her proposed demise in detail.

“I hate you both!” she seethed, hating how her body responded to his touch, anticipating what he was promising.

“Guardhouse?” the Empress offered again. “I’d hate to waste you completely, though good dragon food is sometimes hard to come by.”

“Do as you will,” Jukanya replied, barely hiding her feelings of defeat and despair.

“Sounds like an invitation!” Lant replied, standing, shifting her into his arms. “Come on, my darling. I think there may be a few things we haven’t tried before I send you to the guardhouse.”

Jukanya rolled her eyes.

“I’m going to enjoy putting the magna-tag on your ankle. You won’t be able to leave the guardhouse for the rest of your miserable life. If you behave yourself, we’ll let you have a little outdoor roaming – naked, of course. I love giving our guards nice presents from time to time!”

She glared at him.

Lant slammed her against the wall, lifted her flimsy skirt and pounded his hard arousal into her. She had long ago stopped crying out with carnal desire, which seemed to encourage him. She had also stopped crying herself to sleep the few nights she was alone in bed. All that was left was a numbness that surrounded her whole meaningless life. Since Breith’s death and her enslavement, she had lost any thought of meaning in her life.

It wouldn’t be the first – or the last – time that she was tempted to walk into the dragon’s lair in order to put an end to her life.

Lant forced his slimy tongue into her mouth. She no longer had to fight to keep from gagging on him, but she hated every bit of contact with him. Maybe the guardhouse wouldn’t be so bad…

Tranas A’mara Retreat

“Tell me about him,” Fain requested.

“Whom?” Varice asked.

“The one who gave you Vinnia. You were very young, I think.”

“Sixteen,” she replied wistfully. “Our school went on our annual camping trip into the mountains. A whole weekend without our parents, just school-chosen chaperons.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“The first night, we all sat around the camp fire. This guy I’d had my eye on all year decided to sit next to me. His name was Namyl. Even though we were being overseen, somehow, everyone had blankets to keep warm – and to hide what happened beneath! Before long, he had his hands in my shirt and down my pants, making me want him more than ever!”

“Yes?” Fain asked, stroking her gently according to the story.

“Mmmm,” she replied in arousal. “After the campfire was done, we were supposed to go to our own tents, but the reality was most of us girls went with one of the boys – including me. Fain!”

“Yes?” he asked, still stroking her intimately.

“You are distracting me!”

“Finish the story.”

“Not much more to tell. I gave Namyl my virginity that night, and he gave me Vinnia – simple as that.”

“What happened after the camp?”

“When it came to light that most of the girls had been with the guys those two nights, (half of us became pregnant,) the teachers responsible for watching us were all fired with the accusations that they were employed by the Balan.”

“It has been done before,” he reminded her.

“Namyl married me, at the insistence of our parents. We had a son too, Vance. Then he left… He had never wanted to be tied down like that!” Varice’s tears fell at last.

“What happened to Vance?”

“He went to Balan to investigate a project in the mountains there. With Nampe Whillans. Neither came back.”

“So with Vinnia gone...”

“It’s my whole world, Fain! My whole world is gone!”

“You have me now, Varice,” he replied, rolling onto her, nudging her thighs apart. “I don’t intend to leave you.”

“Your children need you… the A’mara need you...”

“Not as much as you need me… and as much as I need you.” He settled between her legs and thrust greedily into her body.

“I need you, Fain!” she cried out in response. “Oh, how I need you!”



Start over with chapter 1

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Other stories about Decima... (all available in both digital and print formats.)

Maps and Guides

Map of Almara

Map of Tranas

Map of Balan

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Writing and artwork copyright myself 2005-2105 – all rights reserved.
If you are interested in helping me publish these works, please contact me on Facebook or Discord, viking-ventures#2883.

Lori Svensen
author/designer at A'mara Books
photographer/graphic artist for Viking Visual
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