Pandan Coffee at a Glance

HI ALL Indonesian Hivers. Tonight I want to share a story about coffee. It's not about coffee beans or black coffee that we often find in many coffee shops. But about the taste of contemporary coffee that is given a pandan aroma and flavor. It's called Kopi Pandan.

I have a regular coffee shop that serves the best Koi Pandan in my city. Almost every day I always come to this coffee shop to simply enjoy panda coffee or even buy it in a bottle to take to the office or to take home.

I first learned about Pandan Coffee from a friend who took me to Acheck Coffee Shop on Jalan Pase, Lhokseumawe City, Aceh. At that time, we made an appointment to meet there one afternoon. When I sat down at Acheck, I asked the barista about the best coffee and favorite menu in this cafe. Then the brand told me that Pandan Coffee was the best-selling coffee there.

I felt the need to try it. Honestly, I fell in love with it the first time. The next day, I always went to Acheck Coffee Shop to enjoy Kopi Pandan.

I also often invite my other colleagues to enjoy this Pandan Coffee. The taste is really right on my tongue. I always test the delicious taste and aroma of Pandan Coffee to all my friends who claim to be a community of coffee lovers.

Are you curious and want to try it? Please come to Acheck Coffee Shop in this location

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