keeping Serayu ducks(dagger duck)

Keeping the Serati duck (stuck) is one type of duck that is kept for taking even the eggs to eat or it can also be sold. This animal has many names in Indonesia, namely the Serati Duck, Surati Duck, and some even call the Manila Duck or Duck. Serati and in our area, such as in Aceh, it is called itek beulati. And there are many more mentions of the name of the duck. the. according to their respective regions.
This bird has a white color and there is even a black mixed with white color like my friend's.

my friend is now just starting to raise this fiber duck, and previously he raised native chickens to just take the eggs and now he is trying to raise this fiber duck or better known in the Acehnese language as beulati duck.

This animal is widely kept as livestock as a source for meat consumption. This duck has chewy meat and does not smell like other laying ducks. People like to consume this duck meat than other ducks.

in our area these ducks are quite salable and expensive in the month of maulid because there are so many who are interested in the duck to eat the meat because in the khanduri maulid season many people use khanduri for a side dish of rice with the fiber of the duck meat.

so a brief explanation from me about the more and less fiber fiber I apologize.

Camera usedredmi 9 xiomi
LocationAceh indonesia
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