kecombrang flower photography

Hello everyone, how are you today, and wherever you are of course in good health and always successful, I hope you are now better than the previous days. I came back to this community to show something to all my friends who are here of course. And wanted to show you some pictures of kecombrang flowers that I took with my cellphone camera a while ago.

Kecombrang is an annual plant. Its height can reach 3 meters. This plant is found in mountainous areas and in areas close to water.

Kecombrang flower or scientific language "Latin Etlingera elator Jack"
but in various areas of this flower there are various names of the kecombrang flower. such as in the Aceh area as "Bungong kala" North Sumatrans call it "kincung" but different names do not matter. What is clear is that the name of the flower is generally kecombrang.

Kecombrang flowers with red colors and flowers can be used as a complementary menu for vegetables. These flowers can be cooked foreign or together with other vegetables.

Kecombrang is very easy to live anywhere. As in our area today, many kecombrang are found growing. Such as in gardens and in the yard of houses in this area.
And now this flower has been used and is no longer considered a wasted plant. And this flower is now widely sold in the market as a vegetable complement.

So my post this time, hopefully it should be entertained and meet again in the next post with a different article of course.

Camera usedredmi 9 xiomi
LocationAceh indonesia
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