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Clean Friday


How are you all friends, greetings of success always for all of you wherever you are.

On this short occasion I would like to tell you about my activities this morning. We carry out mutual cooperation activities as a clean Friday. This gotong royong activity is carried out together with other local people.

This mutual cooperation activity is carried out to foster a sense of responsibility in maintaining the cleanliness of the school. With this all they will not litter.

They clean starting from inside the classroom, in front of the class, next to the class, and behind the class. They also clean the school yard when they have finished their respective classes. The teachers guide them when doing gotong royong activities.

All teachers participate in carrying out this mutual cooperation activity. The students also look so enthusiastic in carrying out their respective tasks that have been given by the teacher. Garbage that has been collected is disposed of in a designated landfill.

Some students who have cleared the designated place, sit down to rest and unwind. they rest while joking with their friends. The tiredness that had been so felt, it felt like it was gone in an instant. This is the importance of friends in joy and sorrow.

There are several moments that I managed to capture when this gotong royong activity took place:

Best Regards @p3d1