Hidup Kesusunya Dahlan Iskan [Hurried Life Of Dahlan Iskan]

Pic: https://www.afederasi.com/news/nasional/dahlan-iskan-jadi-pembina-pengurus-pusat-jmsi/

Hidup kini begitu tergesa-gesa. Begitu emosi. Begitu tidak alami. Hidup begitu menyiksa. Untuk apa hidup seperti itu? Untuk apa? Saya tidak bisa menjawab misteri hidup harus terburu-buru seperti itu.

Siapa yang tak kenal seorang wartawan senior sekaligus CEO Jawapos. Dahlan Iskan. Saya begitu menikmati tulisan-tulisan beliau.

Kalau makan donat, rasanya empuk walaupun sudah dingin. Itulah kira-kira ketika saya menikmati tulisan beliau.

Seorang yang sudah terbebas secara finansial masih merasakan hidupnya kesusu. Kesusu artinya terburu-buru. Ia harus berpacu dengan waktu. Apalagi saya yang masih kurang disini dan disana.

Cerita perjalanan beliau ke Kalimantan di akhir bulan puasa begitu renyah dinikmati. Dia bercerita sambil sesekali menyentil pemerintah atau masalah lingkungan hidup. Misalnya ketika dia menyoal hilangnya pohon ngingas.

Begitu banyak pohon ngingas yang rimbunnya bisa menaungi perahu di bawahnya. Buah ini tidak bisa dimakan manusia. Juga bisa membuat gatal yang luar biasa. Patin-buah-ngingas seperti itu lezatnya tidak bisa ditemukan lagi sekarang. Hampir tidak terlihat lagi pohon ngingas

Di sini dia bercerita dan menyindir hilangnya salah satu rantai ekosistem di sebuah sungai di Kalimantan. Ini adalah sebuah kritik sosial kepada pengguna sungai, masyarakat sekitar dan pemerintah setempat sehingga pohon yang menjadi sumber makanan ikan patin liar menjadi hilang atau berkurang.

Dahlan Iskan (born August 17, 1951 in Magetan) is the former CEO of Indonesian newspaper publisher, Jawa Pos Group. He was the CEO of Indonesia's State Electricity Company, (PLN) from December 23, 2009 to October, 2011.[1] He was Indonesia's minister for State-owned enterprises in the period October 2011 to October 2014.

Belajar dari hidup kesusunya Dahlan Iskan

Dari tulisan beliau saya memperoleh beberapa hal bahwa hidup tidak harus terburu-buru. Terkadang kita diburu oleh sesuatu yang tidak nyata. Mungkin kita takut kehilangan kalau kita terlambat. Memang betul kata On Time diperlukan tetapi ketika kata itu mengejar kita dan memaksa kita untuk menikmati hidup yang sedang terjadi , hidup kita seolah diatur oleh orang lain.

Buat apa sih harus terburu-buru. Kalau sudah niat mudik , kenapa harus terburu-buru sampai di tujuan. Bukankah perjalanan itu sendiri itu adalah cerita yang indah ketika mudik, Macet itu adalah bagian dari mudik.

Kereta cepat itu adalah suatu gambaran hidup yang terburu-buru. Mau apa sih buru-buru ke Bandung naik kereta cepat? Mungkin kamu punya janji dengan Kembang Bandung yang terkenal cantik itukah sehingga kamu terburu-buru?


Pic: https://www.afederasi.com/news/nasional/dahlan-iskan-jadi-pembina-pengurus-centre-jmsi/

Life is so rushed now. So emotional. So unnatural. Life is so torturous. Why live like that? What for? I can't answer the mysteries of life having to rush like that.

Who does not know a senior journalist and CEO of Jawapos. Dahlan Iskan. I really enjoy his writings.

If you eat donuts, it's soft even though it's cold. That's about when I enjoyed his writing.

A person who is financially free still feels his life is milky. Kesusu means to hurry. It must be a race against time. Moreover, I am still lacking here and there.

The story of his trip to Kalimantan at the end of the fasting month was so crispy to be enjoyed. He tells the story while occasionally flicking the government or environmental issues. For example, when he questioned the disappearance of the ngingas tree.

There are so many ngingas trees that can shade the boat below. This fruit cannot be eaten by humans. It can also make it itch excruciatingly. Patin-fruit-ngingas like that delicious can't be found anymore now. Almost no longer visible ngingas tree

Here he tells a story and satirizes the loss of one of the ecosystem chains in a river in Kalimantan. This is a social criticism to river users, the surrounding community and the local government so that the trees that are the source of food for wild catfish are lost or reduced.

Dahlan Iskan (born August 17, 1951 in Magetan) is the former CEO of Indonesian newspaper publisher, Jawa Pos Group. He was the CEO of Indonesia's State Electricity Company, (PLN) from December 23, 2009 to October, 2011.[1] He was Indonesia's minister for State-owned enterprises in the period October 2011 to October 2014.

Learn from Dahlan Kesusu life

From his writings I have learned several things that life should not be rushed. Sometimes we are chased by something that is not real. Maybe we are afraid to lose if we are late. It is true that the word "On Time" is needed but when the word chases us and forces us to enjoy the life that is happening, our lives seem to be controlled by other people.

What do you have to hurry? If you have the intention of going home (Mudik}, why do you have to rush to get to your destination. Isn't the journey itself a beautiful story when going home (Mudik), traffic jams are part of going home.

The fast train is a picture of life in a hurry. What do you want to rush to Bandung by fast train? Maybe you have an appointment with Kembang Bandung that is beautiful, so you are in a hurry?

Kembang Bandung means girls from Bandung that are well known for their beauty.

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