Paroeh Tuloe

It is a tradition for every rice farmer to come to the fields in the late afternoon to get rid of pests such as sparrows, we call these sparrows as Tuloe, so that every evening people come to chase these sparrows away.

The harvest season is starting to arrive, not far from the possibility that rice farmers will immediately prepare their fields to make them look fertile and perfect, disturbance after disturbance from pests of sparrows comes, it is because the food of these sparrows is rice.

It is not surprising that the birds came in groups to this rice field. It's a shame when I was at that location my Smartphone battery started to run low, I can only share 2 photography that I share from the 5 best photos.


At that time I also tried to take pictures of the rice fields, I saw someone who was chasing away this seedling bird "Paroeh Tuloe", a beautiful view that afternoon with a very bright orange sunset, but not as beautiful as imagined because the sunset was covered by clouds .


Photo by @dayatsiaulia

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