RE: Road to The Talent Club v3.0 - Rebranding + Roadmap + Extras

We didn't do that tribe token migration or planned to create a Hive's tribe for several reasons:

  • We don't like how the most of the tribe tokens perform neither how did perform ours there, because by the nature of being rewarded for free, people just dump on it, constantly. Of course, there are some cases that are an exception to this, like $LEO or $POB tokens to mention some, for example.
  • To set up a tribe you need money to pay Hive Engine (we spent more than 4,000 $STEEM in all that back there) and since we are a small project and we have certain specific objectives (you can check out the roadmap), we decided to save that expense to be able to invest it in building another type of infrastructure and other approaches for future tokens that do not have that selling pressure of tribe tokens and that have use cases or benefits associated by holding them, like our $TLNT token here does.

So, summarizing, is not part of our plans, at least in a few years.

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