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Daily Highlighted Authors - November 21st, 2020

   Every day we will select and publish the best author and his work, selected among the different authors manually curated daily by The Talent Club.

   With each of these authors selected daily, we will do a monthly raffle among the thirty best authors of the month, giving the lucky person an extra 10 HIVE prize.

   Our purpose is none other than to continue highlighting and remunerating talent on the platform, regardless of whether you belong to the club or not.

Daily featured author

   Congratulations for your work. You've been already upvoted by the club and you have now a ticket for the monthly raffle:

Our opinion about your article

   Today @sofathana took us to see the General South Cemetery, in Caracas, Venezuela. This publication begins by narrating important antecedents such as the date of foundation, extension of the place, among other information regarding the site and continues talking about some graves of important figures and others that have been honored in a special way for the favors done in life and those performed after this.

   The one that most caught our attention is that of Mr. Victoriano Ponce, a carpenter who made houses for people without resources, now his grave is accompanied by a large tree with hanging cardboard houses, in addition to several thank you plaques. If you visit Caracas, this cemetery should be a mandatory place to visit despite the deterioration in which it is, due to the situation in the country.

Monthly featured authors list

1st - , 2nd - , 3rd - , 4th - , 5th - , 6th -

7th - , 8th - @yusmi, 9th - @fdar19, 10th - @zullyarte, 11th - @luisdraw, 12th - @andreina57

13th - @atardeceres81, 14th - @rodrikun17, 15th - , 16th - @berlissanoja, 17th - @anthony2019, 18th - @naty16

19th - @rafabvr, 20th - @chuchoafonso, 21st - @sofathana, 22nd - , 23rd - , 24th -

25th - , 26th - , 27th - , 28th - , 29th - , 30th -

31st -

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