Daily Highlighted Authors - April 12th, 2021

   Every day we will select and publish the best author and his work, selected among the different authors manually curated daily by The Talent Club.

   With each of these authors selected daily, we will do a monthly raffle among the thirty best authors of the month, giving the lucky person an extra 10 HIVE prize.

   Our purpose is none other than to continue highlighting and remunerating talent on the platform, regardless of whether you belong to the club or not.

Daily featured author

   Congratulations for your work. You've been already upvoted by the club and you have now a ticket for the monthly raffle:

Our opinion about your article

   Moms are unconditional beings who deserve all possible tributes. Today's featured author writes a love letter to his mother María Bastidas, in which he expresses everything he feels, how difficult it was to accept and face her illness, in addition to telling her how lucky he feels to have been able to accompany her throughout the process, together with his brothers.

   A publication to reflect and value our mothers because without a doubt they are the most wonderful love.

Monthly featured authors list

1st - Noemilunastorta, 2nd - Soyunasantacruz, 3rd - Nahela, 4th - none, 5th - Maryed, 6th - Emilycorvof,

7th - Reycart, 8th - Tati126, 9th - Luisbarrios, 10th - Reymoya95, 11th - none, 12th - Rafaelperez,

13th - , 14th - , 15th - , 16th - , 17th - , 18th - ,

19th - , 20th - , 21st - , 22nd - , 23rd - , 24th - ,

25th - , 26th - , 27th - , 28th - , 29th - , 30th - ,

31st -

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