The City Experience. #Photofeed Contest Round 71. CITYSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY

In the city I have learned many lessons. Some of those lessons have improved my life and relationship with people. They have helped my understanding of people. Not just about understanding people, they have helped me to understand the wider society.

The journey to the city started from seeking a better life and striving to further my education. Living in the village was not going to give me my dream life so I decided that I will further my education my all means. My family in the village was not in support of this dream because, as farmers, sending somebody to school higher than the village primary school was the last thing my father could think of.

I became a troubled child to my mother because of her perception that my desire to go to secondary school in the nearby town was out of stubbornness and unwillingness to continue working in the family farmlands. That I don't know whether it was true but I know very well that I wanted to learn and also have a college certificate.

I first got out of the village when I got admission in the Baptism Grammar School. My siblings were mocking my adventure then, thinking that hunger would send me back home. I endured the hunger. One step after another I got to the College Of Education and eventually finished out.

Life in the city has given me several experiences. The first I want to talk about was my learning to discipline myself and avoid falling into the trap of any wolf in trousers. Men can give young ladies trouble. That has helped to keep from draining my virtue and becoming wayward.

Also I have learned to be accommodative. This is because I left my family alone in the village and no one cares whatever could possibly happen to you. ( Such is the case when your father married more than one wife and you tend to walk against their wish) So, going in and squatting with different people who stretched out caring hands to help a young helpless girl. Even if I wasn't disciplined before, I have learnt to cultivate good habits now. Thank God for my aunty, who has become a sister in a distant land to me.

There are many but let me close with this: I have learned to be entrepreneurial. I try not to waste any opportunity at my disposal. My activities on hive blockchain are informed by this. I want to work and invest my time to earn something and take back home to my family.

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