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10 Quick Questions With - Gunnar Heilmann [EP3]

Mein Beitrag (1).png

Good day fellow photographers!

Also our second Episode with Johann was super successful and well liked by the Hive community. The feedback and resonance was absolutely positive so far. We are super happy that you guys enjoy this new format!
Our guest for Episode 3 is @gunnarheilmann , a pretty well known photographer from the "light painting community". I honestly didn't even know anything about "light painting" until I saw some of the stunning work from Gunnar here on the platform.

Bolivian Dancer

Let's start with a short introduction

Gunnar Heilmann ‘s (Light Painting Photography), work deepens the possibilities of capturing light as a main subject in the world of digital photography. With a background in engineering and innovation, he transcripts this approach into rendering pictures in single shots with minimal treatment in post-production.
The long exposure photographs deploy light both as a tool and as a subject. This technique, called light painting, influences the viewer’s perception of the environment, often creating new sculptural forms, scales, and atmospheres and transferring them into landscapes and deep, whimsical portraits.
By using light as an instrument, Gunnar’s reinterpretation of motion in space is turning ephemeral choreographies into drawings and transforming imperceptible moments into visual stories. His methods appropriate tools such as fiber optics, fire and torches, juxtaposing natural and artificial elements by manipulating the aperture during the shot.
Gunnar is based in Berlin, Germany

Tupe Reflection

1.) What does photography mean to you?

GH: Photography has dominated my private part of life in the past. In all present dimensions I love to explore various different techniques to add to my experience in photography. For that Light Painting has become my playin. The overall field is called “long-exposure photography” and I make use of different sources of light (torches, fire, fiber optic, etc.) to engineer the photographs. The shots take from seconds to minutes and often involve me purposefully and analogically lighting areas or creating shapes with light. I make very little use of digital post processing, so preparation and right settings are crucial.g field.
“I believe we can use Light Art Photography to engage with people, connect with each other beyond any other form of photography. Light Painting can tell stories and challenge a viewer. Let’s get lost in Art and wonder what else we CREATE do together.”

USA Houston Wings Ring


2.) What is your favourite subject to photograph?

GH: Subjects that excite me are usually “unusual”. Often the combination of the right light and technique one can create something new and exciting. That's what I keep searching for, landscapes and portraits or architecture. As a technique Light Painting has become my main subject for exploring all possibilities in photography.

3.) How would you describe your photography style?

GM: Oh wow, I think I would love to point this question to a proper curator or art critique. For the simple question it could be summarized by just a few words. Certainly; colorful and diverse

White Pocket Milkyway Stars


4.) What inspires you?

GM: Nature and its organic infinite and diverse shapes. Most of my photography is done outdoors and throughout the world. That poses logistics questions regarding tools I can bring and accessibility conditions, a lot of planning ahead and many layers in my maps. Once I find myself at the location and in the process, I begin to play with the given elements, the tools I have in hand and the features of the landscape. Though planned ahead and engineered, the mystery awaits whilst I am drawing or lighting a subject, not knowing what impression it will bring. Same process applies for portraits, as they transform into landscapes using the same techniques, yet in another scale.

Inspiration is to be found in every corner of life. I run around with open eyes and mind light and imagine what it would look like at night. Inspiration yet comes from exchange with other artists. It could be another LightPainter or any other performing art or even books. Of course like everyone else I use the common social media outlets and see the content from other creators.

5.) What is the most difficult part of being a photographer for you?

GH: There are so many ideas in my head. What makes my life as a photographer so difficult is first the question of what to do next and first, secondly the budgetary constraints. What comes after that is usually a challenge that turns into pleasure. With my engineering background I love the puzzle and the path to get the image. That's also why I don't use Photoshop for photo manipulation (also I am a super lazy post processor).

Fiber optic Portrait


6.) How do you educate yourself to get better photos?

GH: What's a great photo?A great photograph fires your curiosity and ignites your imagination. Make one talk and write about it, incites your interest into its process and elicits emotions.It tells a story without words.
Best way to learn about photography is collaborations with other photographers or models. Even when you watch others try to achieve the same image you see everyone applying a different approach. Talking to art experts also adds the perspective of collectors and buyers.

7.) What kind of gear do you use?

GH: Camera wise I have started with Canon gear and stuck to it over many years. For the many different topics I own a long list of lenses and depending on the effect that I have in mind I choose accordingly. "What lens to use" I have been trying Sony and also Nikon, and decided to stick with my existing gear. Beyond that I try too much gear from all sorts of vendors. Especially flashlights. I have way too many. But for my style of photography I need to be very percure with the light so I have a long list of different makes. "Flashlights for light painting" For Light Tools I started to actually build some equipment, foremost light equipment, myself.

8.) What is your favourite lens and why?

GH: In the past I would mostly use the 16-35mm F2.8 from Canon especially for landscapes, in the past 2 years I got myself a LAOWA 12mm ZeroD F2.8 it's surprisingly crispy and has very little distortion. Love it

Light Bulb


9.) What is your suggestion for beginner photographers?

GH: Well that's simple: Get your camera and get out there! Get inspired and create.

10.) Do you think Hive is a good platform for photographers?

GH: As digital photography I believe it created lower entry barriers. This art form gets democratized, communities are created over online platforms and more and more excellent content is being created, allowing alternative forms of income for amateur photographers. It’s connecting people with common interests and merging lifestyles with professional lives. Sharing Passion and Love for the Light Art is made so much easier. Especially for Light Painting Photography is this aspect an accelerating factor for the progress exponential.
As the Hive community has been growing over the last year I hope the trend keeps steady in the coming months and hopefully years. For a long time I was not sure where this was going, yet I started spending more and more time on the platform because I began to see some familiar faces and every week new users that shared more and more exciting content. Spending more time is surely related to the inspiration I find on Hive. Sure I hope to find more photographers on their way onto the chain to join the community, to exchange ideas and concepts. I hope Hive can grow faster in the coming year.

PF: What an incredible interesting interview. Thank you so much for taking the time to awnser all of our questions! :)

<- Episode 2

Beneficaries for this post:

50% - Gunnarheilmann
45% - PhotoFeed
5% - PeakD

©Gunnar Heilamnn (@gunnarheilmann) holds all rights on the images used in this post