RE: Time and the Flow of the Water

Hi Joan,

I'm sorry for this very late reply from me, but I have been on the road all day long yesterday and also today. Yesterday I brought some things to my daughter's new apartment, today I have had other things to do and later we go shopping for things our daughter needs and tomorrow my wife and I will drive to her again - 400 km one way πŸ˜…

At the moment I am at home trying to catch up with notifications here and on Twitter as well, but I think that much will have to wait till Sunday or even Monday.

It's always fun to test new things with the camera and many times I am positively surprised πŸ˜€

Yesterday there were thunder and hail storms all over Austria, but on my drive of 800 km I have had only once a little bit of rain. Today is nice and the next days are going to be hot πŸ˜…

Wishing you a fabulous weekend ☺️🌞

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

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